a Alison Helston 9 éve
Number Talks
In an educational setting, fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment is essential for enhancing student learning. Encouraging every student to participate through methods like Think-Pair-Share and group discussions helps in developing critical thinking and supports differentiated thinking.
Number Talks Mental Math Supports Differentiated Thinking Allows for Connections between Invented Strategies
and Standard Algorithms Supports Invented Strategies No Paper or Pencil Classroom Discussions Acceptance for all Strategies and Ways of Thinking Develop Critical Thinking Challenge Opinions Respect for all Student Responses Importance of Student Voice Daily Time: 5-15 minutes (maximum) Focus is on HOW the problem was solved NOT,
what is the correct solution Students justify their STRATEGIES Students use hand against chest with raised fingers,
(# of Fingers indicates # of Responses) "THINK" time for all students Purposeful Computation Problems Number problems should be presented
HORIZONTALLY to students Grade3-5: Number Strings FDK-Grade 2: Dot Plates Purpose is to develop accuracy, efficiency and flexibility Two Main Ideas:
1. Operations and Algebraic Thinking
2. Number Operations in Base Ten Teacher's Role How do you know? What do you think? Does not Confirm Solutions, Encourages independent
Student Voice Facilitator Allow students to justify and defend their responses
through discussion Record ALL student responses Close attention to how response are recorded;
specifically, use of the equal sign Allow for "THINK" time Classroom Environment Think-Pair-Share and Group Discussions Supportive and Inclusive Responsibility of ALL students to participate