Evaluating the potential of offshoring involves several critical considerations such as cost efficiency, logistics, contract parameters, and capacity management. The cost comparison shows that S-Data charges between $4 to $4.
Offshoring Contract parameters Subtopic non compete quality of work assessment and audit throughput Committment Logistics and administration Use Excel need to time deliverable to support customers upload need to change workflow ease of mapping to our system what's the limitations? Use PRM what's the cost of imporvement of the PRM? remote access- is available? what's the limitation how can we incorporate external unit in the process? what we want to offshore? not web usage?? screen capture contact info insertion Commercial/non com Capacity need to make sure that S-Data can increase and dicrease resorces as needed Efficiency need to examine the pilot and determine the potential I want to get at least same effectiveness as local QC Cost S-Data cost is 4-4.5$ hr Picscout cost per QC operator per 1 hour is