Over the past century, significant milestones have shaped the landscape for LGBTQ rights and social inclusion. Notable events include the U.S. Navy's early 20th-century crackdown on homosexual activities and the American Psychiatric Association declassifying homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973.
2015: Same-sex marriage becomes legal across the U.S.
2012: Maine, Maryland, and Washington legalize same-sex marriage
2011: NY legalizes same-sex marriage
1997: Federal DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) becomes law
1978: Openly gay, elected official Harvey Milk is assassinated
1973: APA removes homosexuality from DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders)
2010s: U.S. Military "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
1919-1921: U.S.. Navy sting operation against "sexual perverts"
Baby Boomers
born between
Quality of Healthcare
Increased risk of Poorer Health Outcomes,
Mental, Physical, Reproductive/
Sexual Health Disparities
Increased Risk of Depression,
Increasesd Risk of financial anxiety,
Increased Risk of cognitive aging,
Decreased Research on Reproductive & Sexual Health needs.
Social Determinants of Health Disparities
Increased rates of Poverty,
Increased rates of Social Isolation,
Sense of alienation.
Stigma, Discrimination, Marginalization,
Violence, Racism, Oppression,
Social Isolation