a Zach Beardsley 14 éve
The text describes various themes found in the first five books of the Bible, known as the Pentateuch. It includes specific references to Leviticus, Numbers, Exodus, and Deuteronomy.
Pentateuch Deuteronomy Leadership Death of Moses Eleazar Takes Over for Aaron Joshua Takes Over for Moses Final Address Blessings & Cursings Curses from Mount Ebal Blessings from Mount Gerizim Review Cities of Refuge Rules for a King Worship Loving the Lord Obedience Tribes East of Jordan Wanderings in the Desert Scouting out the Land Leaving Egypt Numbers Travels of Israel Division of the Land Conquering the Midianites 5 Daughters of Zelophehad Second Census Balaam King Sihon and King Og Bronze Serpent Moses Strikes the Rock Aaron's staff Budding Rebellion of Korah 12 Spies Quail 70 Leaders Appointed Levites Dedication Offerings Nazerite Laws Division of Duties by Clan Census Organization List by Tribe List of Leaders Leviticus Spiecial Days Year of Jubilee Sabbath Year Festival of Shelters Day of Atonement Festival of Trumpets First Hearvest Passover Purification & Diseases Death of Nadab and Abihu First Offerings Ordination Offering Guilt Offering Sin Offering Peace Offering Grain Offering Burnt Offering Exodus Building the Tabernacle Washbasin Incense Altar Priests Altar of Burnt Offering Curtains Golden Lampstand Table of Shewbread Ark of the Covenant 10 Commandments Not Covet Not bear False Witness Against Neighbor Not Steal Not Commit Adultry Not Murder Honor Father and Mother Keep the Sabbath Holy Not Take the Name of the Lord in Vain No Graven Images No Other Gods Before Me 10 Plagues Death of the Firstborn Darkness Locust Hail Boils Pestilence Flies Lice Frogs Water into Blood Moses Golden Calf Laws Mount Sinai Red Sea Leading the People of Israel Burning Bush Flee to the Desert Raised as a Prince Hidden in Basket Genesis Joseph Jacob's Family moves to Goshen Testing his Brothers Governor of Egypt Pharoh's Dreams The Butler & the Baker Potaphar's Wife Sold into Slavery Coat of Many Colors Dreams Jacob Dinah & Shechem Wresteling with Man & God 12 Sons Leah & Racheal Bethel Deciving Isaac Birthright Isaac Digging Wells Birth of Jacob and Esau Racheal Mount Moriah Birth Prophecy Abraham Gerar Sodom and Gomorrah Hager and Ishmael Covenant Malchizedek Egypt Call Flood Rainbow Rain 40 Days & Nights Pair of all the Animals Shem, Ham, & Japheth Naoh Sin of Man Adam & Eve Cain and Abel Banned from the Garden The Fall The Serpent Naming the Animals Creation Rest Animals & Man Fish & Birds Heavenly Bodies Land Sky Day & Night