Kategóriák: Minden - moon - gravity - formation

a ZiLi Cai 4 éve


Planetary Science

Gravity plays a crucial role in the existence and formation of planets, as well as the development of the Moon. The Moon, characterized by features such as Lunar Maria and Lunar Craters, was formed from debris resulting from a collision between Earth and a Mars-sized planetesimal approximately 4-5 billion years ago.

Planetary Science

Planetary Science

Effects of space on humans

Without an atmosphere for protection the body is exposed to high amount of solar radiation which can lead to high rates of tissue breakdown and can lower immunity
Bones and Muscles
Without gravity, bones are no longer needed to support your body. As a result, you may lose 1.5% of bone tissue per month of being in microgravity Muscles begin to weaken also due to the lack of forces against them
Body Fluids
Body fluids begin to decrease equally, causing “bloating” Blood pressure may change, causing astronauts to pass out_ when they first come back from space until the body reacts to our Earth’s conditions
Lack of Gravity

Interaction between star, planets and satellites

Great example to explain this is the sun,moon, earth system.
Special Tides: Spring Tides Spring Tides: The Sun and Moon are in line with one another When Their gravitational pull is combined The Tides are higher than normal
The gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun both contribute to ocean tides on Earth.
The Moon orbits around the Earth about once every 29 days.

The Moon produces a tidal bulge under which the Earth rotates producing 2 high tides and 2 low tides per day ie. every 6 hours

Causes the different shape of the moon we see on earth

The Sun and the Moon have a significant effect on the Earth. The system is complex and dynamic.

Composition of planets

Terrestrial planets formed
Rocky particles began to clump
Gases condense into rocky particles
For Jovian planets
Jovian planets formed
Planetesimals accrete more
Clumps form planetesimals
These clumps accrete more
Icy particles began to clump
Gases condense into icy particles
The Terrestrial Planets formed close to the Sun where temperatures were well suited for rock and metal to condense. The Jovian Planets formed outside what is called the frost line,where temperatures were low enough for ice condensation.
Planets in our solar system have differnet compostition depend on where they are in relation to our Sun.
There's 4 inner and 4 outer planets

Asteroids, meteors, meteoroid, meteorite

A meteor is the millisecond streak of light and heat produced when a meteoroid burns up in the atmosphere. Mistakenly termed “shooting stars”.
A meteorite is the part of the meteoroid that does not burn up in the atmosphere. When meteorites hit the surface, they may form an impact crater.
A meteoroid is any debris that falls toward the Earth. Meteoroids range in size from molecules to asteroids.
Asteroid is Rock debris with pitted and irregular surfaces.They represent the composition of the early Solar System

The role of gravity

The role of gravity which causes the existence of planet.

Formation of sun

Then the sun is born
When the core is hot enough, fusion occurs. Once there is a balance between the inward weight and the outward pressure, the collapse stops
As the collapse continues, the density increases, causing temperatures and pressures to rise. Once the pressure is high enough, the gas cloud becomes a protostar
When the solar nebula collapses, different clumps of gas are created They collide and merge to form a flat rotating disk
As the solar nebula's radius shrinks, it spins faster and faster.
The temperature of the solar nebula increases as it collapses due to gravity
As the solar nebula collapses under its own gravity,

Comet orbits, periodic comets

Comet orbits around the sun when they pass the sun they become visible.
There's a periodic comets that was discover by Edmund Halley. It is call halley's comet

Interplanetary debris

Debris left over from formation of the Solar System

Planetesimal Formation

Sometimes they destroyed each other but most often they grew larger
Grew from small to massive objects over thousands of years
Tiny grains of matter combined/collided

Solar system

A tiny part of a galaxy known as the Milky Way
Our solar system is elliptical in shape

Interstellar Cloud

The solar system formed from the collapse of an interstellar cloud.
The dust and starlight reflects off of the dust with causes interstellar clouds often apprear as blotches of light and dark.
Consis mostly of hydrogen and helium gas with small amounts of other elements and dust.
Stars and planets form from interstella clouds, which exist in space between stars

formation of moon and its features

It's features:
Lunar Maria and Lunar Craters are the unique things on moon
One days on earth days equal to 27.3 days on moon
Debris melted together to form the Moon
Caused by impact of Mars-sized “planetesimal” on Earth
Formed 4-5 billion years ago

Relationship between our solar system and The Milky Way

Our solar system is part of the milkyway

Benefits of Space Exploration

Water Filters
Cordless Tools
Safety Grooving
Adjustable Fire Detector
Long Distance Telecommunications
Ear Thermometer
Memory Foam
Scratch Resistant Lenses
Invisible Braces

Rotating disk

When gravity draws matter together , it eventuallty look like a rotating disk
It's in stage one of collapsing interstella cloud
It's about the Collapsing Interstellar Cloud