Flip chart Movemet
Walking School Bus
holistic approach
to education
connecting classrooms
experiential learning
increased student
they share the books
across the world
students read & record
audio books
improved literacy
Understanding the impact of emerging technologies on learning.
barriers to education
lack of nutrition
distance to school
including poverty
Taking the World by Storm
Zayd Miam (student)
jobs using technology &
computers is the fastest
access to the world
& the latest info.
in many classroom
tech present but
not integrated
Classrooms in
97% one or more computer
99% internet access
40% using computer during lesson
Empowering Access to Education
in the age of Globalization
Aron Friedland
26.3 million children
do not attend school
due to distance
technology is the solution
60 million primary
school children
not in schools
we must ensure
we are moving
humanity onward
& upward
we live in a global &
interconnected world
Eliminating illiteracy
using technology
Empowering access
Education is a pre rec
for success
Tech Enhance & Learning
Ensure shared understanding
& collaboration
provide reliable infrastructure
& IT support
Enhance educator comfort
confidence and competency
with technology
Provide ongoing
& timely PD
Challenge to integration
lack of time
IT infrastructure complication
lack of effective
training & Support
Educators are utilizing tech.
in innovative ways
strengthening communication
Teacher < > Students
group work &
positively impact
learning experience
increased social &
intellectual engagement
improve student achievement
Canada Ready to Embrace
technology in classroom
90% school leaders
& Teachers
77% students