a Eduardo Mercado 13 éve
The text explores various aspects of governance, discussing different forms such as democracy, aristocracy, tyranny, timocracy, and oligarchy, and evaluates their effectiveness in controlling and guiding people.
REPUBLIC Government An individual or group of individuals that aim to the right way to control their people. Types of government Tiranny
Timocratic government
Justice Telling the truth Giving all what they deserve God is not the author of all things, only good. Soul Qualities of the soul are gained by education and culture Pictures of Good Science & Truth Superfluous are those desires of which are easily undone, causes great evils Necessary desires those who can not be deleted, nor suppressed and it is useful to satisfy them. Three main pleasures Knowledge Wealth Ambition Guides to make a judgement Reasoning Reflection Experience There are three conditions of the men Ambitious Philosophical Interested