Kategóriák: Minden - evaluar - herramientas - contenido - plataformas

a Carlos Panneflek 5 éve


PLE - Diseño y Planificación del PRAE

La planificación del PRAE se centra en el uso efectivo de redes sociales y comunidades de aprendizaje para compartir información y mantener a los participantes actualizados. Plataformas como Twitter, Facebook y YouTube son esenciales para divulgar contenido utilizando etiquetas y posts.

PLE - Diseño y Planificación del PRAE

Creado Por: Carlos Panneflek

PLE - Diseño y Planificación del PRAE

Type in your name

Para Comunicar/Divulgar

Personal skills

Skills can be truly valuable when it comes to convincing a potential employer. Along with work experience and education, your skills will help the employer get a better understanding of your interests and values.

Comunidad de Aprendizaje

Computer skills you master

Companies are becoming more and more dependent on technology, so your computer skills can easily increase your chances of getting a job that requires such skills. Specify the types of computer skills you master.

Pagina Principal de la IE

En la pagina web de la institución se refenciará toda la información

Plataformas y otras comunidades

What programming languages are you familiar with?


Se compartira infomraciíon con pares

Que pueden potenciar y ayudar a evolucionar el PLE

App del Curso

What software do you use for graphic design?

Adobe AcrobatAdobe PhotoshopAdobe InDesignAdobe Premiere ProAdobe After Effects

Foros de corresponsales (Actividades y Evidencias)

What operating systems are you familiar with?

Microsoft WindowsLinuxUnixMac OSXDOSBIOS Software

Realimentar el proceso y mantener a la comunidad actualizada


What kind of computer applications do you use?

Total CommanderWindows ExplorerChromeMindomoWorld of WarcraftVLC Media PlayerMySQL

Hilos de discusión y reflexión de saberes

Your language skills can play an increasingly important role in the workplace.

Compartir Información

Specify what languages you know

taking into consideration the levels of understanding, speaking and writing.


Level of writing

What is your level of writing?

elementary proficiencylimited working proficiencyprofessional working proficiencyfull professional proficiencynative or bilingual proficiency

Utilizar Etiquetas


Level of speaking

What is your level of speaking?

elementary proficiencylimited working proficiencyprofessional working proficiencyfull professional proficiencynative or bilingual proficiency

Utilizar Twitt/Etiquetas


Level of understanding

What is your level of understanding?

elementary proficiencylimited working proficiencyprofessional working proficiencyfull professional proficiencynative or bilingual proficiency

Utilizar Post/Etiquetas

Para Evaluar

Work ethic and habits

This section will give the potential employer a glimpse into your work ethic and habits. Having another professional speak on your behalf is vital for your job search.

Herramientas que buscan realiamentar en vez de asignar un número para categorizar un proceso que es dinámico. Se utilizan dispositivos móviles y códigos QR

Type in the name of the professional who refers you.


Type in the professional's contact information. This way, if the recruiter will need to ask for further details, he/she will easily contact this person.


Type in a brief description of his/her reference.

Para Crear/Producir

Work experience

This is one of the most important sections in your curriculum vitae. Make sure you specify all your previous work experience, part-time jobs, vacation jobs, voluntary work, and unpaid work experience that are relevant for the position you are applying for.

En formayo Digital

Specify your work experience

Start with the most recent period.
Example: Jul 2013 - Jun 2016.

Recursos de Trabajo Colaborativo (Padlet, Prezi, Picktochard)

Herramientas para realizar actividades colaborativas al momento de producir contenidos

Mejora la calidad de los productos a entregar

Módulos Digitales con AR y Códigos QR

Permiten la asociación información y experiencia

Interacción con la información relevante (Previa/Actualizada)

App Wikitude

Refenciar lugares con realidad aumentada

Acciones diagnosticas y de comparación cuando se implemente el PRAE


What were/are your responsibilities in this position?

research informationdevelop curriculum for an academic unitdistribute incoming and prepare outgoing mailgreet customersinvestigate discrepancies in files and reconcile differences

Repositorio de información multitudinaria

Crear soportes y contenido multimedia


What industry does the company or institution belong to?

advertisingtourismagriculturecomputer hardware manufacturerspetroleum

Creación de Archivos de audio

Entrevistas, Socializaciones y otros eventos

Microsotft Office/Open Office

Name of the company or institution where you last worked or where you are currently working.

GoogleProcter & GambleTescoWal - MartToyotaIBMKPMGMcDonald's

Creación de documentos e información de oficina (Informes- Presentaciones - Estadistas - Formatos)

Para Leer/Organizar/Investigar

Contact information

Any CV or résumé needs to contain your contact information. This way, recruiters can get in touch with you.

Social Media

Type in any social media account, website or blog you have in order to help the recruiter do research on you.

Redes Sociales

Seguir a portales interes y recibir notificaciones de


Type in your current address.

Fuente Multimedia

Entrevistas, Ponencias, Charlas , etc


E-mail is the preferred form of communication in today's work environment.

Type in your e-mail address so that the recruiter can easily contact you.

Correso Importantes

Suscripción a portales y redes

Bibliotecas Digitales (Gratuitas)

Type in your mobile phone number.


Type in your personal phone number.

Buscador de información (Multimedia. PDF, DOCX)

Utilizar la amplia gama de App (GoogleMaps, Drive, Document, Blog)