a Nick Prychodko 10 éve
School and district administrators face challenges in adopting Personal Learning Networks (PLNs). They are willing to embrace change if it benefits students, though their readiness varies, and they have concerns about teacher reactions.
OBJECTIVE Professional Development for administrators and teachers Intergrate Social Media into daily instructional practices in order to build PLNs. PROBLEM Apprehension in changing mindset Lack of value added to student and teacher experiences. Lack of knowledge and risk taking SOLUTION "Fail forward" admin team challenges themselves to model what they expect in teachers. District and Schools adopt PLNs starting with leadership first. MAIN
CHARACTER School and District Administrators PERSONALITY TRAITS Willing to learn if "best for kids" Worried about how teachers will respond Varying degrees of readiness RESOLUTION Students, teachers, and administrators began to develop and master 21st century skills and lived happily ever after. Personal Learning Networks (PLNs)