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Pop Music Year 4 Home Learning Topic
The curriculum for Year 4 home learning encompasses a broad array of subjects intertwining the theme of pop music with various academic disciplines. In Religious Education, students explore the use of music in different religious ceremonies, highlighting its cultural significance.
Pop Music Year 4 Home Learning Topic RE How is music used in different religious ceremonies? PE Zumba Joe Wicks Create a dance routine for a favourite pop song GEOGRAPHY Live Aid and similar - investigate the impact it had on the world Tribal music vs pop music comparisons Investigate a recent concert tour of one of their favourite pop artists - plot on a map of the world / uk Popular styles of pop music around the world - study of a specific country? PSHE Look at the treatment of black musicians in history e.g. Jazz Write a song about addressing a specific social issue DT Costumes for artists to perform in - give examples - Bjork, Lady Gaga, David Bowie, Billie Eilish etc. Design a menu based around their favourite artist's songs
E.g. Katy Perry - Hot n Cold pizza, Firework burger etc. Design and make a model of a tour bus / stagecraft for their favourite pop singer or group. MATHS Problem Solving Data handling - make a graph or chart or table based on some music related stats. Geometric shapes - look at famous album art and identify shapes and features, symmetry etc. Tour bus space and area problems Calculation Calculations involving spotify listens / records sold / youtube hits of popular artists.
E.g. difference between Gangnam Style and Desposito Weekly MyMaths to continue FRENCH Create a song about colours etc in French Learn some simple French songs Investigate some popular french pop singers - look at their lyrics COMPUTING Powerpoint about their favourite pop band/singer/style of pop music Use garageband or similar app to create a piece of music using loops etc Hour Of Code - create an animated dance party to some pop music HISTORY The charts through history - number 1s through time and how they've changed Investigate a historical music scene
Rock n' Roll
Hip Hop
Dance Music
etc History of recording - vinyl, cassettes, CDs, Downloads, streaming ART Create art based on the sounds they hear in a piece of music Andy Warhol Design a pop band Famous album art - make a their own version in a similar style SCIENCE Sound - investigate how sound travels through different materials ENGLISH SPAG Infer the meaning of vocabulary in song lyrics Writing Character description of a singer/band e.g. Billie Eilish, Write a description of seeing their favourite performer live Write a review of a concert - could watch some on youtube. Write the lyrics for their own pop song based on a specific theme Reading Song lyrics interpretations/inference Newspaper article about a tour being cancelled due to Covid-19 Reading comprehensions about music scenes or famous singers/bands