Kategóriák: Minden - negative - grammar - examples - questions



Present simple and Present continuous

The text discusses the rules and usage of the present simple and present continuous tenses in English grammar. It explains how to form negative sentences for both tenses, with examples illustrating the use of "

Present simple and Present continuous


Present simple and Present continuous


plans in the future
actions that are hapening
around now
at the time


(short) consonant + vowel + consonant double final and add ing
ending ie change it to ying
ending in e remove it and add ing
add ing

Questions and short answers: Are, Is + subject + verb ing + complement + ?


example (drink):Am i drinking enough water?

yes i'm, no i'm not

they, we, you

example (sweat): Are they sweating?

yes they are , no they aren't


example (talk): Is she still talking with her friend?

Yes, she is, No, she is not

Negative: subject + is not (isn't), are not (aren't) + verb ing + complement

am not ('m not)

i'm not singing well

are not (aren't)

example (walk): They aren't walking fast

is not (isn't)

example (run): the squirrel isn't running

Afirmative: subject + is,are + verb ing + complement

am and verb ing

example (do): I'm doing the dishes

we, they, you
are and verb in ing

example (cry): The children are crying because they are hungry

is and verb in ing

example (play): She is playing videogames

USE 1. Habits and everyday routines 2. Facts and general tuths 3. Verbs that describe states

Questions and short answers: Do, Does + subject + verb in base form + complement + ?

i, you. we, they
Do and verb in base form

example (want): Do you want chicken nuggets?

Does and verb in base form

example (read): Does he read everyday?

Negative: subject + do not (don't). does not (doesn't) + verb in base form + complement

we, they, you, i
do not (don't)

example (need): I don't need you anymore

she, he , it
does not (doesn't) add verb in base form

example (cook): She doesn't cook well

Afirmative: subject + verb in base form + complement

we, you, they, i
verb in base form

example (eat): They eat twice a day

she, he, it
verbs ending in consonant y change y ti +ies

example (study): She studies a lot

verbs ending in s, sh, ch, o, x just add +es

example (do): He does his homework

most verbs add +s

example (like): She likes watermelon