Kategóriák: Minden - caring - shy - sensitive

a Val King 4 éve



The text describes a person's struggles with various aspects of their personality and behavior. They experience forgetfulness and tardiness, which leads to feelings of guilt and frustration.



Forgetful/losing things

B - Late for everything and therefore disrespectful and rude which then leads to guilt and being down on myself especially after repetition of tardiness.
E - Feel like an idiot, and don't understand how i've lost things or where i've put them


B - Go out of my way to please and not get in the way of strangers
E -I put others first over myself


B - Don't stand up for myself or express my real feelings when i should
E - Affected easily and deeply from any sort of rejection etc. Find it really hard to forgive people after they have disrespected me. Take things to heart when that was not the intention.


B - Things i would add to conversation when relaxed and comfortable don't come to me in social situations, and feel like no one wants to talk to me because it would be an effort for them. don't associate with loud people.
E - Feel irrelevant and worthless in social situations

Want to please/ people to like me

B - Will keep my hat on even though im too hot just because dont think my hair looks good even with people i will never see again
E - don't like confrontation. Perception of self worth skewed.


B - get grumpy due to frustration
E - Often feel down because I haven't done what i planned to do and don't understand why I don't do art when its what i love to do, and get frustrated


B - Dont like being pushed about
E - Feel less masculine


B - Prefer being in calm environments with less people


B - Uncomfortable in social situation
E - Scared of people('s judgement) even just random people on street. Feel like a boring person