Kategóriák: Minden - ochrana - zdraví

a Violeta Joksović 4 éve


primenjene nauke-mapa uma

Ozonský obal Země hraje klíčovou roli v ochraně života na naší planetě tím, že absorbuje škodlivé ultrafialové záření ze Slunce. Tento ochranný štít je nyní ohrožen kvůli emisím určitých chemických látek, zejména freonů, které způsobují jeho řídnutí a vznik ozonových děr.

primenjene nauke-mapa uma

ozonski omotač

Type in the name of the novel and movie you are going to compare and contrast.

Example: Great Expectations.

Koje su posledice?

Restate your thesis while avoiding repetition.

dosta je tanji i oštećen
ozonski omotač ne može da vrši svoju ulogu
velika oštećena morskog sveta
smanjen intezitet fotosinteze
štete po zdravlje ljudi
smanjenje populacije pojedinih vrsta

Restate the similarities between the novel and the movie, but try to avoid repetition (this will help if you write an essay afterward).

Koji su uzroci?

Use point-by-point organization in the body section to present the characteristics briefly stated in the thesis.

This means that if you use this draft to write a compare and contrast paper, each characteristic will be introduced in a separate paragraph.

supstance koje uništavaju ozonski omotač

How is the movie different from the novel?

Type in a short explanation. Use 'like', 'same as' or 'similar' for comparison, and 'unlike', 'differ from' and 'although' for contrasting.

freon-kao glavna supstanca

How is the novel different from the movie?

Type in the answer. Use 'like', 'same as' or 'similar' for comparison, and 'unlike', 'differ from' and 'although' for contrasting.

Mere zaštite ozonskog omotača

dezodoransi koji ne sadrže freon
zabrana upotrebe štetnih hemikalija
zamena freona izobutanom

Koji su problemi?

teži uslovi za život
širenje ozonske rupe

Zašto je ozonski omotač važan?

štiti planetu od štetnog UV-zračenja
bez atmosfere ne bi bilo života na Zemlji

Šta je ozonski omotač?

The introduction provides background information for both the book and the movie.


Create a thesis statement in which you briefly compare and contrast the book and the movie.

smešten na 20 do 50km iznad Zemljine površine
prirodan gas bledoplave boje
sastoji se od 3 atoma kiseonika
poreklo naziva

Type in the name of the main character.

This has to be the same for both the book and the movie.

apsorbuje Sunčevu svetlost visokih frekvencija
sadrži relativno visoke koncentracije ozona
sloj u Zemljinoj atmosferi