Public schooling is better than home schooling
is public schooling grades
better than home schooling?
it actually depends on student,
if they have the mindset too study and
not fool around,they will have good grades
if yes,
more teachers to guide them
different teachers
different experince
if no,
home school, the students get
more attention from their
parents/ private teachers
benefits of public schooling/
how is public
schooling better?
Ministry Of Education (MOE) provide
financial assistance to Singapore citizens
more choices of education
different subject of different
teacher with different experience
socialize with people
extra curriculum activities
get to make friends with people
who have different personality
get to go on field trips with class
disadvantage of home school
limited amount of education
knowledge that your parents give
unless they have the
money to hire private teachers
they have to work harder
no physical education
not fit
don't get to socialize
negative effect of home schooling
exposure of diversity
definiton of diversity: the state
of being a different person
lack of involvement in society
Main topic
difference between public schooling
and home schooling
the amount of technology
and resources
the way the students
receive information
disadvantage of public schooling
unsafe environment
for eg: stealing of valueable
if you're sick, you will miss important lesson
sometimes teachers don't bother
to conduct another lesson for absentees
many rules and consequences
have to wear uniform
lead to severe anxiety
and depression
teacher's won't teach the way
way you understand
no time to spend with family
teachers are mean
define home school
educate(one child's)at home
instead of sending them to school
advantage of home schooling
no attire grooming
less stress
not too tired
loose schedules
they will always be at home
save money
school allowance
bus fare/transport
closer family ties
time to spend with family
emotional stability
peer pressure