Kategóriák: Minden - cameras - films - software - blogging

a stephen wolczyk 10 éve


question 7 evaluation

Various digital tools and platforms were employed to facilitate research, scripting, filming, and editing in a film project. Google served as the primary search engine for gathering information on different films, while Macs provided the computing power necessary for editing and additional research.

question 7 evaluation

Blogger This was used to gather together all of the work we have done about the films into one place for people to look at

Freesoundeffect.org this was used to find the sound effects for our film

Google Drive this was used to upload our script onto the blog

Google Google was used to as my primary way of finding information and doing research into different films

Slide share this was primarly used for reasrch into the genera of our film as well as to look at simialr films that other people had done research into.

Power Point online This was used to put together presentations that were able to be uploaded through one drive onto the blog

Word online Was used to write about some of the research that i found out about

One Drive This was used as a way of embeding documents to the blogger that where done on word/powerpoint

YouTube This was used to look at the start of simliar films and the trailers, it was also used to upload our preliminary exercise and our first 2 minuets film

The internet

PowerPoint this was used for putting some reseach together on a similar film as well as some of the evaluations

Word this was used to compile some of the work we did before we posted it onto the blog

Celitx used to write the script for the preliminary exercise and the first 2 minuets of the film

Used for

Windows computers this was used for doing a lot of the blog work at home as well as some of the research for our film

Cannon EOS 1000 was used ti take high quality pictures of the Tarot cards that we where using in the film so that they could be used for editing in our films

Macs We used macs as they were the computers supplied by collage, we used them for editing the films together as well as doing some of the research into the films


Final Cut Express We used final cut express in both in our preliminary exercise and for the editing of our 2 minuets film this was as it is not to hard to learn


Panasonic handheld camcorder We used this to film our perliminary exercise and the first 3 minuets of our film this was as the cameras are good quality and are easy to use


Iphones We used iphones to take shots of the locations that we where filming at as well as some photos of the character in the film

Media evaualtion question 7