a Jennifer Stroud 7 éve
Reading Comprehension Strategies for Critical Literacy
Effective reading comprehension involves a set of strategies designed to enhance understanding and critical thinking. These strategies include summarizing, questioning the author's intent, synthesizing information from multiple sources, visualizing characters or scenes, determining the purpose for reading, and identifying key details.
TEACHING Comprehension Strategies Direct Instruction Students then practice on their own Providing opportunities for shared and guided practice Modelling Strategy requires the reader to interact with the text in a different way requires the reader to go back and rethink The READING PROCESS requires the use of strategies After Reading During Reading Before Reading 12 Examples of Reading Comprehension Strategies for Critical Literacy Visualizing ie. What do you think the characters look like? Predicting ie. Based on ________ 's actions, what do you think will happen next? Making Connections ie. How is this different from what I read in _______ ? Activating Prior Knowledge ie. What do I already know about this topic? Determining a Purpose for Reading ie. Why am I reading this? Monitoring Comprehension ie. Does this part make sense? Perhaps I should go back and re-read _________ . Questioning ie. What is the author's intent? Drawing Inferences ie. What do you think the author is really saying? Summarizing ie. How can I tell what happened in my own words? Finding Important Information ie. Should I make a note of that detail? Evaluating ie. Are the ideas being fairly presented? Synthesizing ie. How does the information from this text fit with what I read in _________ ?