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Aperiodic but minimum interarrival time is known Every sporadic job always arrives at its minimum interarrival time Treat as periodic tasks
Tasks that execute at arbitrary times. A aperiodic task is a task that requests resources during non-deterministic request periods. No limitations on interarrival times have hard deadlines Each task is associated with a specified deadline, which represents the time necessary for it to complete its execution associated with Event-Driven processing e.g. Ejection of a pilot seat when the command is given to the navigation system in a jet fighter
Tasks that execute at regular intervals of time( repeat regularly). A periodic task is a task that requests resources at time values representing a periodic function. That is, there is a continuous and deterministic pattern of time intervals between requests of a resource. have hard deadlines A real-time periodic task must complete processing by a specified deadline relative to the time that it acquires the processor
- A soft real-time system is one where the response time is normally specified as an average value. This time is normally dictated by the business or market. - A single computation arriving late is not significant to the operation of the system, though many late arrivals might be.
- A hard real-time system is one where the response time is specified as an absolute value. - A system is called a hard real-time if tasks always must finish execution before their deadlines or if message always can be delivered within a specified time interval.