Across the globe, various religions shape the spiritual and cultural landscape, each with unique beliefs and practices. Judaism, one of the world's oldest monotheistic religions, centers on the worship of Yahveh and follows sacred texts like the Torah and Tanakh.
There are many religions around the world ISLAM whit around 1,500 millos of followers The holy book of Islam is the Quran Followers of Islam are called Muslims last messenger of Allah Mahoma, religión monoteísta abrahámica Allah CHRISTIANISM some varieties Orthodox Catholics Catholics Christianity Apostolic and Roman Catholics holy book holy bible With 2,400 million followers gog jususcristo JUDAISM Tanakh Torá its sacred place the sinagoga the temple of jerusalem believe in eternal life its founder Abraham monotheistic Yahveh BUDDHISM Amitābha Avalokiteshvara Buda Gautama There are two main branches of Buddhism Mahāyāna Theravada look for nirvana based on reincarnation not theistic its founder Siddhartha Gautama philosophical and spiritual doctrine HINDUISM main deities rama durga kali shiva visnú holy books Bhagavad-guita the four vedas it's based on reincarnation polytheistic has several gods IS devotion for all that is considered sacred pretends to explain the origin of life Subtema human behavior that includes rituals and sermons cultural system of behaviors and practices relationship of man with divinity RELIGION THE RELIGIOUS SENTIMENT IS CONFUSING, ON THE ONE HAND, THEY VENERATE HIS GOD FOR HIS GOODNESS, AND FOR ANOTHER THEY FEAR HIM FOR HIS FURY.