RESOLUCIÓN 3280 2.018
Type in the name of the project that is under review, and press Enter.
Review the analysis of performance, what went well and what could have gone better and summarise the changes that you will make as a result of this review.
Think about changes to:
- Project planning, resourcing, and management
- Risk assessment and control
- Information available to team members
- Requirements management
- Technical processes
- Change control
- Testing
sector prioricen la prevención como una forma de anticiparse a las enfermedades.
The objectives of the review should be explained to participants and kept in mind during the review.
Add an objective after reviewing your project.
Es una resolución la cual brinda un modelo de prevención de las entidades para promover la salud y anticiparse a la enfermedad
la cual tiene como objetivo buscar un modelo que pase del asistencialismo a la prevención; las entidades territoriales, las aseguradoras y los prestadores estarán obligadas a brindar atenciones para promover la salud y anticiparse a la enfermedad tanto en niños, adolescentes, adultos y adultos mayores.
Add an aspect or area of the project which is included in this review.
Add an area that could have gone better, and which could be improved in future projects.
Contribuir al mejoramiento de los resultados en salud y reducir la carga de la enfermedad
Were there any predictors?
- Were there any warning signs that the project would not go well?
- Were there any early signs of trouble which were missed?
- Were there any early signs of trouble, but no action was taken?
- Were there any early signs of trouble, but the wrong action was taken?
el bienestar y el desarrollo de las comunidades, atenciones individuales y colectivas para la promoción de la salud, prevención de la enfermedad, diagnóstico, tratamiento, rehabilitación y paliación y acciones de cuidado que se esperan del individuo para el mantenimiento o recuperación de su salud.
Add some notes about the reasons behind the project.
Was it due to:
- Inadequate skills or knowledge?
- Insufficient planning or risk assessment?
- Lack of information or incorrect information?
- Inadequate processes or tools?
- Incorrect use of processes or tools?
- Bad luck (coincidental problems)?
- Other reasons?
la gestión intersectorial y sectorial como plataforma para la respuesta que da lugar a las atenciones en salud dirigidas a todas las personas, familias y comunidades
Add some notes about what went wrong with the project.
Was it:
- Late?
- Over budget?
- Not doing the right thing?
- Unreliable or faulty?
- The source of more problems later?
Add an area that performed well, that the team was proud of and that you would like to repeat on future projects.
Se incluyen nuevas intervenciones de salud pública, especificándolas de acuerdo con el curso de vida que lleve la persona.
Orienta e integra las acciones de las entidades promotoras de salud (EPS) y las secretarías de salud para que trabajen de manera integral en la promoción de la salud.
Add some notes about the reasons for the success of the project. Was it due to:
- Skills and knowledge?
- Good planning?
- Good information?
- Good processes and tools?
- Good luck (no surprise problems)?
- Other reasons?
Enfatiza en lo preventivo sobre lo curativo del sistema (visión anticipatoria).
Add some notes about what went well with the project. Was it:
- On time?
- On a budget?
- Meeting requirements perfectly?
- Reliable and well executed?
- Strategic and well integrated?
Las intervenciones y acciones deberán ser garantizadas a la totalidad de la población
Add some information about the timescale performance of the project.
- Did you have a plan with dated milestones?
- Did you achieve the milestone dates?
- Did you need to make changes to keep to the plan?
- What were the reasons for running late or ahead?
mejores atenciones en el cuidado de la salud y el bienestar del binomio madre-hijo.
Add some information about the financial performance of the project.
- Did you have a planned budget?
- How close to the budget was it?
- Did you need to make some changes to keep it within budget?
- What were the reasons for going under or over budget?
Modelo Integral de Atención en Salud (MIAS)