Kategóriák: Minden - receptor - relaxation - contraction

a Zoriely Amador 10 éve


Responses of Effector Organs to Autonomic Nerve Impulses

The autonomic nervous system plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological responses, particularly those involved in the fight-or-flight response. Key effector organs such as sex organs, the uterus, the stomach, and blood vessels respond to sympathetic nerve impulses through the release of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Responses of Effector Organs to Autonomic Nerve Impulses

Estimula las funciones envueltas en reposo

Grupo 1: Zoriely Amador Ríos Noritza Caraballo Rodríguez Hans Ferrer Yulfo Rafael Ramos Franco Ivonne Rosario Calderón Beverly Santos Sierra

Estimula las funciones envueltas en las respuestas del "fight or fly"

COMPONENTES: -Fibras preganglionares largas se originan en el asta lateral de la médula espinal (nervios craneanos III, VII IX, X y sacrales S2-S4 del cordón espinal) -Fibras postganglionares cortas -No presenta ramificación: Específico

COMPONENTES: -Fibras preganglionares cortas se originan en T1 al L2-L3 del cordón espinal -Fibras postganglionares largas -Presenta ramificación

Responses of Effector Organs to Autonomic Nerve Impulses

Parasympathetic Effect

Sympathetic Terminal Heteroreceptor
Parasympathetic Terminal Autoreceptor

Receptors: M2 , M4

Nasopharyngeal glands
Increased secretion
Increased Potassium and water secretion

Receptors: M3, M2

Adrenal gland
Secretion of Epiniphrine & Norepinephrine

Receptor: N (α3)2 (β4)3 & M (secondarily)


Sweat glands

Generalized secretion

Receptor: M2 & M3



Receptor: M3

Increase motility and tone of ureters (?)
Stimulation of trigone and sphincter
High contraction of detrusor muscle

Receptor: M3>M2

Renin Secretion

NO Innervation

Contraction of kidney ducts

Neurotransmitter: Acetylcholine

Receptor: M

Increased secretions
Stimulation of secretions
Relaxation of the sphincter

Receptor: M3, M2

Increased motility and tone
Stimulation of bronchial glands

Receptor: M2, M3

Contraction of tracheal and bronchial smooth muscle

Receptor: M2 = M3

Increases NO Synthetase
No innervation of Renal Blood Vessel
Dilation of Salivary Glands

Receptor M3

No innervation of Abdominal Viscera
No innveration of Cerebral Blood Vessel
Dilation of Skeletal Muscle
No innervation of Skin and Mucosa
No innervation in Coronary Artery
Slighltly decrease in ventricle contractility
Little effect in the His-Purkinje system
Reduction in atrioventricular conduction velocity: AV block
Reduction in atria contractility and shortened AP duration
SA node: Raduction in Heart rate

Receptor: M2>>M3

Contraction of ciliary muscle for near vision

Receptor: M3,M2

Contraction of the sphincter muscle, iris (miosis)

Neurotransmitter: Acetylcholine

Receptor: M3, M2

Sympathetic Effect

Parasympathetic Terminal Hereroreceptor
Inhibition ofAcetylcholine release

Receptors: α2A>α2C

Sympathetic Terminal Autoreceptor
Inhibition of Norepinephrine release

Receptors: α2>α2C (α2B)

ADH secretion

Receptors: β1

Pineal Gland
Melatonin Synthesis
Salivary Glands
Potassium and water secretion

Receptors: α1

Fat Cells
Lipolysis inhibition

Receptors: α2

Lipolysis; Thermogenesis

Receptors: α1; β1, β2, β3

Islet β cells

Increase secretion slightly

Receptors: β

Decrease secretion substantially

Receptors: α2A


Decrease secretion

Glicogenolysis & gluconeogenesis

Receptor: α1, β2

Spleen Capsule
Male Skin
Localized secretion
Pilomotor muscles


Sex Organs
Nonpregnant Relaxation
Relaxation of the uterus
Pregnant contractions
Increase motility and tone of ureters

Neurotransmitter: Norepinephrine

Urinary Bladder
Contraction of trigone and sphincter
Relaxation of detrusor muscle

Neurotransmitter: Norepinephrine/ Epinephrine

High stimulation of renin secretion


Neurotransmitter: Norepinephrine/ Epinephrine

Receptor: β1

Decrease renin secretion
Relaxation of kidney ducts
Decreased secretions
Contraction of the sphincter
Decreased motility and tone

Receptor: α1, α2, β1, β2

Inhibition of secretions

Receptor: α2

Lower secretion of bronchial glands
Higher secretion of bronchial glands
Relaxation of tracheal and bronchial smooth muscle

Neurotransmitter: Epinephrine/Norepinephrine

Receptor: β2

Blood Vessels
Veins Dilation
Veins Constriction
Increases Renal Dilation


Increases Renal Constriction:
Increase Salivary Glands Constriction
Dilation of Abdominal Viscera
Increases Abdominal Viscera Constriction
Increases pulmonary dilation
Increases pulmonary constriction
Slight cerebral constriction
Increases skeletal muscle dilation
Increases skeletal muscle contriction


Increases skin and mucosa constriction


Increases coronary dilation
Increases constriction of coronary artery

Receptor: α1,α2

Increases ventricle contractility, conduction velocity, automaticity and rate of idioventricular pacemakers
Increase in automaticity and conduction velocity in the His-Purkinje system
Increase in atrioventricular conduction velocity and automaticity


Increase in atria contractility and conduction velocity
SA node: Increase in Heart rate

Receptor: β1>β2

Secretion in lacrimal glands

Receptor: α

Relaxation of ciliary muscle for far vision

Neurotransmitter: Norepinephrine/Epinephrine


Contraction of the radial muscle, iris (mydriasis)

Neurotransmitter: Norepinephrine

Receptor: α1