a Rossana Volpi 4 éve
The primary focus is on the differences between Christianity and Judaism, particularly in their practices, beliefs, and historical contexts. It delves into the various symbols associated with Christianity, providing detailed descriptions and their significance.
RIPASSO CRISTIANESIMO CHI ERA GESU' Subordinating conjunctions Although it was raining, I went out. Coordinating This stew is savory and delicious. CHE COSE'E' Phrase according to, by means of, owing to, with a view to, in place of, in front of, etc. DOVE E QUANDO NASCE Other examples "Woah!" or "Oops!" LA PALESTINA AL TEMPO DEI ROMANI Focusing Adverbs Especially, Specifically, Merely, Either Adverbs of Quantity A lot, Little, Much Adverbs of Degree down-toners Fairly, Rather
intensifiers Extremely, Very
Adverbs of Relative Time Just, Afterward, Soon, Currently Adverbs of Frequency Always, usually, Never Adverbs of Manner Carefully, Slowly DESCRIVI I SIMBOLI CRISTIANI Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers First, second.. SAN PAOLO ORGANIZZA LA CHIESA DIFFERENZE CON LA RELIGIONE EBRAICA Indefinite article A car in the parking lot. Definite article The breakfast on my plate. PERSECUZIONE Indefinite None, Several Relative Which, Where Interrogative Which, Who Reciprocal Each other, one another LE LITURGIE Sottoargomento Superlative She is the prettiest princess. Comparative He is taller than she is. COSA PREDICAVA Compound Candlestick DOVE SI DIFFONDE LE CARATTERISTICHE Participle Create sentences The winning athlete gets a trophy.