Kategóriák: Minden - cyberbullying - wages - education - awareness

a Thomas Dix 4 éve


Rise In Mental health isseus

Addressing critical societal issues such as mental health awareness, student loan debt, and cyberbullying can significantly improve public well-being. By increasing attention to mental health, the stigma around these issues can be reduced, making it easier for affected individuals to seek help.

Rise In Mental health isseus

Rise In Mental health isseus


Legalization of cannabis
Cannabis can be legalized which allows for it to be regulated which means it can be quality controlled to make it safer as well as allowing for supporting those with cannabis addictions

Threats - Possible social stigma and political resistance from using cannabis

Opportunity - Allows for a taxable substance which can allow more money to fund mental health services

Weakness - Possible drug abuse

Strength - Regulated recreational substance that can help people with mental health issues

Greater minority representation
Helping the environment
Combating cyberbullying
Make social media companies combat harassment and cyberbullying on their websites

Threats - Possible targeted harassment and backlash from "trolls"

Opportunities - Invites more people to use social media without the threat of cyberbullying

Weakness - Possible freedom of speech and regulation issues

Strengths - Create a safer and friendlier online environment which helps mental health

Allowing younger people to vote
Allowing for greater youth representation in politics so their voices are heard
Increasing mental health services
Increase funding and expand services such as CAMHS and therapists to help people with mental health

Threats - Put strain on the NHS

Opportunities - Creates more jobs for therapists

Weakness - Requires money which could possibly be spent elsewhere

Strength - Allows for more people to seek help for their mental health issues

Greater mental health awareness
Give more media attention to mental health - what it is, what it does, who it affects and what to do about it
Improvements to the education system
Abolishing student loan debt
Student loan debt is an issue plaguing the young generations, leaving them with huge debts that make their lives miserable.

Threats - Private academic institutions will attempt to combat abolishing student loan debt

Opportunities - Will encourage more people to go and pursue university allowing for a greater educated workforce

Weakness - may cause people to lose faith in the economy and private educational institutions will possibly have to close

Strenght - free up a generation of people buried in debt to become productive again and improve their living conditions improving their mental health greatly

Higher wages
Increase the minimum wage to help those living with small income to live comfortably
Better working conditions
Safer conditions, shorter hours, better pay are all things that makes people working stressful jobs lives better, improving their mental health





Marx's theory of alienation
Working conditions
Climate change
Climate Anxiety
Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg fell into a depression after learning about climate change at a young age

Economic crash 2008
Economic anxiety and uncertainty means many people are living paycheque to paycheque and have a hard time affording basic necessities such as food or rent which leads to greater risk of mental health issues
Being stuck at home in lockdown can lead to greater risk of mental health issues and also those who have lost family or friends to COVID-19 have to deal with grief and may suffer from mental health issues
Social media