Kategóriák: Minden - mission - concepts - school - learning

a Madeline K Mangum 6 éve


Sample Mind Map

Education can be approached through various methods, such as hands-on activities, writing, repetition, discussions, and visual presentations. These diverse techniques facilitate both memorization and conceptual understanding.

Sample Mind Map

My Educational Philosophy

How do I view those I teach?

I want to love those I teach! I am preparing for a mission right now and I'm just starting to see what it's like to love someone and want them to have the gospel. I know that I won't be teaching the gospel in schools, but whatever it is that I'm teaching, I want to do it with love. Also they should be seen as children of God and equals. I hate when teachers put you down or act that way just because of the labels "student" and "teacher".
Connection to Christ: I want to view those I teach like Christ views everyone. I want to love them so unbelievably much and help them on their own spiritual journey.

Upon what foundation are U.S. public schools built?

The foundation that our country's public schools are built on is the concept that all students should be able to do well. It isn't geared toward helping individuals, it's only bent on helping the majority of kids. I believe that school should be more personal and catered to you, not to just everyone. Different things are going to be hard for you to learn than others. Schools shouldn't be for the majority, it should be for you.
Connection to Christ: He wants us all to do well, so the foundation that He is built on is love. The love He has for us all is what the gospel is built on because He wants us to live with Him again.

How do I learn?

I learn through many ways. I learn hands on a lot of the time, or I can learn through writing and repetition. If I can see it and link it with the name and explanation, I can memorize things well. But outside of memorization, I can grasp concepts by having discussions on them or visual presentations of them.
Connection to Christ: Because He is the master teacher, Christ can help me know millions of different ways that I learn. He can also help me understand concepts that are hard to understand.

Who am I and what movitates me?

I am Madeline Mangum, a college student at BYUI. I am studying to become a music teacher (currently). My motivation normally comes from love of others or my love of others. Fear is also a huge factor in motivation for me because it pushes me to do better. Happiness is also another huge motivator because I love being happy!
Connection to Christ: I am a daughter of God and He loves me. He loves us all and wants us to succeed. Christ has a plan for me that I don't completely understand yet, but He wants to help motivate me to be a better person through repentance.

What is the role of school in society?

This question depends on what kind of school we are talking about. If it's primary education, then it is to teach kids basic math, english, science, art, music, how to read, write, and collaborate with others. If we are discussing higher education such as secondary education, then it is to mainly advance those skills and start to figure out a career path if possible. Then the last level, college, is purely to go into one field of study to get a job in that field to support yourself and family.
Connection to Christ: The role of school is kind of like church, where you need to learn about the gospel in order to share it. I can replace the word "school" with "church" in this case because the difference is the type of learning- spiritual or temporal.

What is my work as a learner and teacher?

My work as a learner is to learn as much as humanly possible before this life is over. The only thing we can take with us into the next life is our knowledge, so better get started soon! My work as a teacher will be to teach those what I know. Whether it's the gospel, music, english, or whatever it is, that will be my job. It is my job as a Latter-Day Saint to teach others the gospel and help them come unto Christ! Teaching is in my soul, even though I may have not fully developed those skills yet.
Connection to Christ: My job is to help people come unto Christ. I will be a missionary here soon, and I will become a tool in Christ's hands. That is what He wants us to do, is to learn for ourselves that His gospel is true and then teach it to others who will receive it.

What is worth teaching?

I think things that you are going to use in your future are the most important things that should be taught. I have always hated math and I never did well in it because I wasn't motivated to learn. I knew I was never going to use it again and I haven't! Since my declared major is music education, math is not in my required classes (due to a concurrent class in my senior year that covers the credit). I literally never have to learn any more math! I believe that things like kindness, love, charity, hope, and faith should be taught because that is what our world needs.
Connection to Christ: The gospel is worth teaching! He wants us to teach the gospel because it will literally save us. Christ wants us all to live with Him again, so therefore, if we aren't teaching it, then how are we all going to live with Jesus, the Master Teacher, again?