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The issue of suicide presents a complex and multifaceted challenge affecting various demographics and communities. Numerous risk factors contribute to the prevalence of suicide, including mental health disorders such as depression and PTSD, exposure to violence or abusive environments, and substance abuse.
Effects or Outcomes Risk Factors SUICIDE 950,000 years of potential life lost Mental Illness could develop for all involved Emotional toll on Suicide Attempt Survivors Guilt 7,782 New Loss Suicide Survivors every year in Washington State alone. Continuation of the Cycle of Violence/Suicide Tremendous Emotional Toll on family and friends $1,329,553 in healthcare costs per Suicide $93.5 Billion in healthcare costs for Suicides $50.8 Billion in healthcare costs for Suicides Member of the LGBTQ community Being a combat veteran Serious Physical Illness Including Pain Relationship Problems Environmental Factors Unemployment/Financial Crisis Mental Illness Being between the ages of 15-24 or over 65 Bullying/Cyber Bullying PTSD Being exposed to others suicidal behavior Medical Illness Being in Prison or Jail Physical or Sexual Abuse Family Violence Family History of Suicide Guns in the Home Family History of Substance Abuse Family History of Mental Health Issues Substance Abuse Mental Health Disorders Depression Prior Attempt at Suicide