Kategóriák: Minden - treatment - regulation - pollution

a Jessica Mensah 13 éve


Science Unit D

The text discusses various environmental issues related to water pollution and management. Factories and power stations contribute to water pollution by discharging waste into rivers, harming aquatic life.

Science Unit D

when your close to water the large surface area of water keeps the region from experiencing very high tempertures and low tempertures in the winter. IT MODERATES CLIMATE

Human Causes of Water Table Changes

Water Diversion and Export

bottled water takes out alot of water and they take water without putting it back and they ship it out to diff. countries.

Farming and Industry Practices

they take out water from system then discharge wastewater when done. crop irrigationpower generation plants

Overuse of Wells

ice: 76%, ground water:23%, lakes/waterlands:0.34%, gaseous water:0.66%

Farmers use techniques to and participate in programs that and enhance watersheds like the Ontario Enviorementral Farm Plan

Fators that Effect Water Quality

physical- all matrerials that don't dissolve in water (like as animals waste and plant debris)

Chemical- disolved substances that come from natural processes (dissolving limestones) or human activity( dissolved road salt)

Biological - both visible(such as zebra mussels) and microscopic organisms( such as bacteria)

Chapter 11

Treating Testing Water Quality

samples are also taken from the treatment plant and given to scientists
after water is distributed they check the water just to be safe

Managing Our Water Systems

Different Ways of Treating Our Water Systems are The Septic System,Wetland Technology and The Waste Water Treatment Plant

Obtaining Water Quality

Water that is removed from our water systems must be treated and tested so its safe
we obtain the water we need from underground and above ground sources.
water quality can be effected by physically,biological or chemical contaminants

What Affects our Water Supply

EARTHQUAKES- causes water to drop makes ground water cloudy
DROUGHT- when there is little to no precipitation which results into a reducing water table
Rising and Receding Water Tables . if there is not alot rain the water table will decrease in levels leaving an unsustainable amount of water while if ther'e alot the water table will increase causing floods which contaminate water.

Transpiration is the process of water evaporation from plants to leaves and animals exhale water vapour during respiration

Who Manages Our Water

Clean Water Act- mkakes community become aware of the water problem and find solutions to help stop it

Ontario Water Rescources Act- limits watering lawn usage

transfer of water from great Lakes construction of wells the operation of wastewater treatment plants

federal,provincial,municiple and territorial

area where water fills in the tiny spaces of soil is a groundwater zone

The Water Treatment Plant

the clean water is pumped to storage sites and then given to communities and buisnesses .

4th Stage- then they add chlorine that kills any remaining microoragnisms

this removes Giarada- organism that causes illnesess

Water passes through membrane filter to knock out any remaining solids

2nd Step- Water is pumped into a holding tank where chemical is added to make the materials sink to bottom

1st Stage- water comes in system through screen that filters physical materials

Treating Waste Water


Air Pollution

Habitat Destruction

Waste Water- excess nutrients that promote growth of aquatic animals and plants. they use up oxygen leaving no room for native fish to populate.

Run-off- contaminates on streeets creats run-off(oil, other chemicals like salt)

Power Staions-pour waste water into rivers which kills animals

Science Unit D

Chapter 12

Bioremedation using living organisms to clean up contamination in land and water

Chapter 10