a Marcelo Toapanta 6 éve
Semantic Roles
The text provides a detailed breakdown of various semantic roles in language, illustrating how different elements within a sentence contribute to the overall meaning. Each role is defined with an example to clarify its function.
Semantic Roles Range/Result I did a victory dance when I win The entity/event that
completes a cause Measure I bought a car for $10000 The quantification of something Beneficiary I gave Bob a new T.V. The animated entity that is
by the action Time I will go to play next week When the event took place Source I will take the books from by backpack The place from where
the action originates Instrument She hit the bug with the magazine Inanimate entity used by the
agent to perform the action Patient/Theme The dog caught the ball Entity that recive the action Accompaniment I celebrated with my friends The entity that participates closely
with the agent or cause Manner I cried loudly How the action is carried out Cause The bad weather ruined the crop the entity that cause (but not do)
the action/event Goal I will go to the movies The place where the action
is moved/directed Location Mary saw a mosquito on the wall The place where
the action happenes Experiencer Did you heard that noise? One who experience
the effect of the action Agent Sam kicked the ball Animate entity that
perform the action