a Arnaud Bailly 13 éve
Még több ilyen
Notify errors found while searching
Find documents linked to some people's profile
Identify users undertaking same search queries
Visualize experts with same profile than me
Lookup people according to a theme
Annotate several documents "en masse"
Annotate a document
Extract theme per reader from DB
Infer theme per author from documents
Extract theme per author from a DB
Apply arbitrary transformations on metadata
Recrawl ACLs only
Enrich a document to apply ACL modifications
Fix several documents in bulk
Fix one document
Fix named entities
Define blacklisting rules to enrich documents
Apply blacklisting on 1 doc
Query existing documents
Suggest more specific queries
Filter results per named entities
Filter results per enriched metadata
See also...
Extend query
Define classification according to queries on content
Define classification schemes according to metadata
Tag documents according to some clustering on sample
Select meta-data to denormalize
Idenitfy links between docs
Enrich document from an existing repository
edit repositories content
manage access rights of repositories
Import/export existing repositories
Enrich documents according to classification scheme
measure access frequency
measure data aging