a Leonidas Wang 14 éve
Még több ilyen
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Serious Games Cluster and Business Network
(in collaboration with the University of Coventry
Spel & Trafiksäkerhet” (Sp&Ts) (“Games & Traffic safety”),
Computer Games as a Base for Training Simulators
Geospecific Terrain for 3D-engines
Foreign Ground - A Digital Game for Decision Making in Foreign Cultures
in collaboration with the Technical University of Luleå, www.ltu.se/ske/d1139/1.613
the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV), the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) and the Swedish National Defence College (FHS)
the Workgroup Computer Games
the Group for Graphical and Interactive Techniques in Computer Games
Playful Learning – Learning Environments for Children
Project Finland(www.peda.net/veraja/jyu/ac/agl/tutkimus/projektit/muumi)
Global conflict; Palestine
Serious Games Interactive
Educational potential of commercial game technology
“Providing Real Integration in Multidisciplinary Environments” (PRIME)
in collaboration with Attic Media
in collaboration with the International Centre for Digital Content, ICDC, at the John Moores University (www.ljmu.ac.uk/)
Teaching with games
Serious Games: Engaging Training Solutions
serious games.the Birmingham Serious Games Team
Alchemy 1 & 2 Unmanned Vehicle (Land/Air) Demonstrators
Part-Task Training for the Royal Navy’s Dillon Minigun
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Interactive Trauma Trainer
medical simulation
The Turtle Island
I'powahsin Project
the Simon Fraser University – School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) (www.siat.sfu.ca/).
Advanced Gaming Technology for Training Business Majors
Simulation and Advanced Gaming Environments for Learning” (SAGE)
the University of Calgary (http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~parker/DML/welcome.html).
the Concordia University (Montreal; www.gamecode.ca/)
the Ackoff Center for Advancement of Systems Approaches (ACASA) at the Penn University of Pennsylvania (www.acasa.upenn.edu/),
Heart Sense Game
The Institute for Simulation and Training (IST) at the University of Central Florida (www.ist.ucf.edu/projects.htm)
The Medical Emergencies Simulation Lab
the Media Convergence Lab
Mr Mout
explores ways to integrate entertainment, training and simulation
the Department of Applied Research & Technology (DART) (www.ist.ucf.edu/dart/dartlab.htm)
evaluation of virtual environment teamwork training and animation studies
The Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning (SCiL), at the Stanford University (http://scil.stanford.edu/news/game4-06.htm),
Gaming to Learn
The Triple A Game Show
The Education Arcade(http://educationarcade.org/about)
Biohazard: Hot zone
Civilization III
The Comparative Media Studies Program at MIT
Learning Games to Go
the University of Wisconsin-Madison
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
the Center for Research on Learning and Technology (CRLT),Indiana University (http://crlt.indiana.edu/)
The Virtual Worlds Lab
Fire Department Training
Full Spectrum Warrior (www.fullspectrumwarrior.com)
S.M.A.R.T BrainGames (www.braingames.com),
Escape from Dian
Nanoswarm: Invasion from Inner Space
Hungry Red Planet (www.hungryredplanet.com),
Dance Dance Revolution
difficulty in persuading school stakeholders to the potential benefits of computer games
how to identify the relevance of a game to statutory curricula
America’s Army(americasarmy.com)
Army Battlezone
Operation flashpoint
Close Combat
Harpoon 3
Decisive Action
Brigade Combat Team
Serious Games Initiative
learning in a meaningful and relevant context is more effective than outside that context
learning takes place within a context that is meaningful to the game
visual selective attention
psychomotor skills
insight, learning and recollection capabilities
strategic skills
analytical and spatial skills
fun and entertainment are key components
for purposes other than mere entertainment or “fun”
include education, training, health, etc
with the use of games and gaming technology
Serious Game Definition
“Serious Games: The application of gaming technology, process, and design to the solution of problems faced by businesses and other organizations. Serious games promote the transfer and cross fertilization of game development knowledge and techniques in traditionally non-game markets such as training, product design, sales, marketing, etc.”
serious games be categorised into
3D applications
applications that use 3D game technology and techniques to solve business problems.
applications focused on learning, simulation and fun.
Entries will be considered a serious game if they use the gaming attributes described above to overcome a designated problem or deficiency, and provide appropriate feedback to the user about their efforts
Entries will be considered a game if they involve an assigned challenge and employ a compelling form of positive and/or negative reward system.
the 2006 I/ITSEC Conference (Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference)
the purposes of The Serious Games Showcase and Challenge (sgschallenge.ist.ucf.edu),
rules that provide structure
goals that motivate
play which leads to intense and passionate involvement
The use of computer game and simulation approaches and/or technologies for primarily nonentertainment purposes
games that do not have entertainment, enjoyment, or fun as their primary purpose
based on two key premises
this generation has experienced a radically new form of computer and video game play
the thinking patterns of learners
a branch of serious games that deals with applications that have defined learning outcomes
a rather general concept that refers to computer enhanced learning, computer-based learning, interactive technology, and commonly, distance learning
healthcare games
corporate games
educational games
government games
military games