a Nicola Lauritano 8 éve
Smarties MindMap
Urban areas are evolving into smart cities through the integration of advanced technologies aimed at improving the quality of life for residents. Key features include real-time information on public transportation, smart parking solutions, and enhanced street lighting through proximity sensors.
Intelligent Cities Autocall the ambulance in case of accident Find parking early with sensors of proximity Street lighting using proximity sensors Full free Wi-Fi coverage in all cities City Planning Public Transport RealTime Info Smart-Parking Smart-Lights Sottoargomento LIFE sharing integration fun stress ENVIRONMENT infrastructure garbage pollution SECURITY disaster control STREET signs transport park streetlight Security Street Cleansing Timetable Lights Quality Transports Bus Trains Disponibility Gestione Cultural Heritage RealTime Info Waste Management clean air Safety fast response fast detection of accidents security anti-theft solutions burglary protection efficiency waste collection heat energy speed transports communication simplification Quality of life SMART CITIES Cleaning Public Area Street Cost Energy Heat
Events Sport Music Museo Pollution Garbage Water Air Traffic Treno Aereo Pubblico
Auto Autostrade
Ramo principale Smart Cities city events shows concerts sport event entertainment place food cinema public transit bus metro Car parking streets traffic