Kategóriák: Minden - racism - prejudice - discrimination - aggression

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Sociology Chapter 8

Racism and discrimination severely damage individuals' lives, health, and potential contributions to society. Talented individuals from minority groups often cannot fully participate due to systemic prejudice.

Sociology Chapter 8


Global level: deprivation of human rights -> human rights movements, international political pressures

Societal level: institutionalized discrimination -> education, media, legal-system revisions

Affirmative Action - one of the most contentious policies in the US, it involves affirmative or positive steps to make sure that unintentional discrimination does not occur
Other policies: quota system, preference policies

Group level: negative group interaction

positive contact, awareness by majority members of their many privileges

Individual level

stereotypes and prejudice -> therapy, tolerance-education programs

Meso- and Macro-Level Efforts to Bring Change: Nonviolent Resistance

India, 1950s, Mahatma Gandhi led the struggle for independence from Britain. Martin Luther King Jr. followed in the nonviolent resistance tradition.


Minority Reactions to Prejudice, Discrimination and Racism

Micro-Level Coping Strategies
Assimilation is an accommodation to prejudice and discrimination Acceptance - some learned to live with their minority status. Avoidance - withdrawal and isolation.

Aggression results from anger and resentment over minority status.

Ex: gypsies

The Cost of Racism

Racism leads to individuals’ suffer from the destruction of their lives, health and property. Prejudice and discrimination result in loss of talents who could be productive and contributing members.

Hostility between groups occurs because of three factors: If two groups can be identified by their appearance, ethnocentrism may develop If two groups conflict over scarce resources, hostility may likely arise If one group has more power, dislike between two groups may occur

Theoretical Explanations of Dominant-Minority Group Relations

Structural-Functional Theory

Maintaining a cheap pool of labourers who are in and out of work serves several purposes for society (fast-food workers).

Conflict Theory

Ex: gastarbeiter (guest workers) who migrate to more successful countries for work.
Creating a “lesser” group protects the dominant group’s advantages.

Pluralism - when each ethnic or racial group in a country maintains its own culture and separate set of institutions but has recognised equity in the society

Ex: Switzerland. People speak four languages that are official: French, German, Italian and Rommansh.

Assimilation - the structural and cultural merging of minority and majority groups , a process by which minority members may lose their original identity but contribute to their new society.

Ex: Basque people were restricted to speak their language during the WWII in Spain.

Population transfer - the removal, often forced, of a minority group from a region or country.

Ex: Native Americans in the US were removed to reservations.

The Nature of Prejudice

Explanation of Prejudice>

occurs when a minority group is blamed for the failures of others.
Frustration-Aggression theory
focuses on poorly adjusted people who express their frustration through aggressive attacks on others> the Ku Klux Klan
people behave aggressively toward vulnerable minority group because they cannot achieve their goals

understandable response of humans to their social environment. The commitment of people to the group based on stressing distinctions from out-group.

their loyalties may be dysfunctional for out-group members

Prejudice: Micro-level Analysis

Discrimination: Meso-Level of analysis

Segregation is a type of subjugation which separates minorities from the dominant group and deprives them of access to the dominant institutions.

Ex: Jim Crow laws that legislated separation between groups in southern US after the Civil War.

Subjugation - the subordination of one group to another that holds power and authority.

Slavery is a form of subjugation

Genocide - the systematic effort of one group, usually the dominant, to destroy a minority group.

Ex: Jews were sent to concentration camps to be gassed by Hitler.

Racism is any Meso-Level institutional arrangement that favors one racial group; may result in intentional/unintentional consequences for minority groups
Sometimes occur at individual, small-group levels, particularly problematic at the organizational/ institutional levels
Side-effects discrimination refers to practices in one institutional area that have a negative impact because they are linked to practices in another institutional area, because institutions are interdependent, discrimination in one results in unintentional discrimination in others. Ex: discrimination in the criminal justice system may influence the discrimination in health care system.

Past-in-present discrimination refers to practices from the past that may no longer be allowed but that continue to have consequences for people in the present.

Racial Bigotry and its forms

A bigot is someone who blindly insists that certain other people are so different that they are inferior-even less human
people insist that they are not prejudiced but fail to correct any problems created because racism is still embedded in our social system

Ex: since President Obama’s election the number of hate groups has risen to more than 1018. Many of these are “patriot” with deep distrust of the federal government

Refers to attitudes that prejudge a group, usually negatively and not based on facts.

if prejudiced attitude become actions they are referred to as discrimination
differential treatment of and harmful actions against minorities

Ex: refusal to sell someone a house because of the religion,race,etc.

The major type of minority group is

Ethnic group

Panethnicity - the process of merging many ethnicities into one broader category and emphasizes that ethnic identity is itself socially shaped/created. Ex: people from Brazil, Mexico, Cuba grouped together in a category called Hispanics/Latinos.
based on cultural factors: language, religion, values, norms, loyalty to a homeland/religious leader,etc.

The Concept of Race

Race is a socially created concept that identifies a group as “different” based on certain biologically inherited physical characteristics

Focuses on 3 issues: Origins of the concept of race → the conclusion is that…> 1) people are born free and equal 2) racism stultilies personal development 3) race-based conflicts cost nations money and resources 4) prejudice foments international conflict
The social construction of race: symbolic interaction Analysis

if people believe something is real it may become real in its consequences.

as a social concept, race refers to psychological and moral characteristics as well as biological, justifying discriminatory treatment. Ex: treatment of colored people in US The significance of race versus class-> racial bias has decreased on the micro level, but it is still a significant determinant in the lives of African Americans, especially those in the lower class. > the data are complex > conclusion is that for upwardly mobile African Americans class may be more important than race

What Characterizes Racial and Ethnic and Racial Groups?

Dominant groups aren’t always the numerical majority

Ex: in South Africa, European weapons placed the native African Bantu population under the rule of a small number of white British and Dutch descendants in a system called apartheid.

Minority groups are : Distinguishable from dominant group due to factors that make them different from the group that holds power excluded/denied full participation at the meso-level of society in economic, political, educational, religious and other institutions. evaluated less favorably based on their characteristics as minority group members, and have less access to power and resources within the nation Are stereotyped, ridiculed and otherwise defamed, allowing the dominant group members to justify and not feel guilty about unequal and poor treatment Develop collective identities among members to insulate themselves from the unaccepting world. This is in turn perpetuates their group identity by creating ethnic or racial enclaves, intragroup marriages, and segregated group institutions such as religious congregations


Minority groups are groups in a population that differ from others in some characteristics and are therefore subject to less power,fewer privileges, and discrimination.

Ch 8:Race and Ethnic Group Stratification