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The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act of 2013 has led to a complex legal landscape in the United States. While same-sex marriage is legal in 37 states, the remaining 13 states have bans in place, often upheld by constitutional amendments.
Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 Goals Gays To be treated equally under the Law To Uphold their Religious Belifes Keep the People happy To uphold the constitution Interest Groups against Some Religious Groups for Government Homosexuals Legality Rulings Upholding
Marriage Discrimination
since: 2013 Several State courts Federal judges have upheld discrimination in Louisiana and Puerto Rico The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit upheld bans in KY, MI, OH and TN Pro Marriage Federal Appellate 5 cases
Federal Courts 41 cases
State Courts 18 cases
Current Standing banned in 13 states 1 by Constitutional Amendment only 12 by Constitutional Amendment and State Law Legal In 37 states 3 by Popular Vote 8 by State Legislature 26 by Court Decision