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South Africa
South Africa is a country with a rich and complex history, marked by significant events and influential figures. Nelson Mandela stands out as a pivotal figure, having been imprisoned in 1962 and later released in 1990, eventually becoming the country'
South Africa Famous people Patrice Motsepe He's the founder and executive president of the "African Rainbow Minerals". He's billionaire
Thabo Mbeki Poliitician Arnold Volsoo Actor Charlize Theron Famous actor Slaves in South Africa Every slave was deported in America in cotton or coffee planting , without rest and a payment. Slavery in South Africa existed until the abolition in 1834 With colonialism, which began in South Africa in 1652, came the slavery and Forced Labour Model Reason:Colonization South Africa enormous mines and minerals To work in the mines those states use young children Today some great continents invest a lot of money to use Africa's mines. SottoargomentoSouth Africa its the 4th most important mining area in the world. Rainbow Nation 79% its black population, 9% is white population and then we have 2,5% of asian people. People of African, Asian and European origin all live together Sport players Jacques kallis Is a former cricketer Bismark du Plessis Rugby player Apartheid 1960 first oppositions to the system System that legally separated white people and black people 1948/1994 Nelson Mandela 2013 He dead at age 95 1994 elections: Mandela from president 1993 Nobel Price for peace 1990 sat free from prison 1962 he was arrested 1944 African national congress (ANC) 1960 the government banned ANC 1918/2013