a Markel Alvarez 7 éve
Implementing cloud hosting for a university involves adopting specific design patterns on both the client and server sides to enhance functionality and maintainability. On the client side, patterns like Service Locator and Controller will be used, while on the server side, patterns such as DAO, Remote Façade, Gateway, DTO, Singleton, and Factory are essential.
CLOUD HOSTING FOR A UNIVERSITY What programming technologies will you use to implement the application? Apache Maven Sockets Java Homework Next meeting at University What information do you want to manage? Message Text UserIDTo UserIDFrom User TypeOfUser Address Password Email Name UserID File List UsersCanAccess UserIDOwner FileName FileID When do they use the system? Create a personal folder with his/her personal files Send a message to another member of University including a teacher Create or edit a shared presentation Create or edit a shared doc What design patterns will you put in place? Server Side Singleton and Factory Gateway DTO Remote Façade DAO Client Side Controller Service Locator Who use this system? Member of the University Can create new users and delete users More privileges Less privileges Who will be happier by the system and Why? Members of University Can give certain corrections before the deadline Can be in contact with students Can manage folders to the students Students They use a University Tool that provides them to be in contact with colleagues Now they have to use extenal tools Convenient