a Walberto Ortega 1 éve
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Effective teaching and learning strategies are essential for fostering higher-order thinking in students. These include developing creative thinking through fluency, flexibility, originality, and sensitivity.
Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning Strategies for Higher Thought Processes Strategies for the development of creative thinking Fluency Originality Flexibility Sensitivity Strategies for approaching and solving problems Ability for interpersonal work Mental maturity Analysis capacity Previous knowledge Communication ability Strategies for critical thinking Strategies for autonomous learning The knowledge and previous experiences of the student The level of maturation of the students Student learning styles The classroom or place where the class will take place Study techniques Write to learn Do written work Bibliography
Body or development
Narrate Prepare work sheets Take notes Read to learn Paraphrase Resume Underlined Annotations Pre-reading Assess Comprehension strategies Preparation and organization strategies Make outlines Time lines
Conceptual maps
Mind map
Attention strategies Listen carefully Creative listening Directed listening Active listening Critical listening