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Teaching Foreign Languages: A Challenge to Ecuadorian Bilingual Intercultural Education

Ecuador has implemented significant measures to enhance English language education within its educational system. By Ministerial Agreement 2016-0020-A, English instruction was made compulsory starting from the 1st grade of General Basic Education.

Teaching Foreign Languages: A Challenge to Ecuadorian Bilingual Intercultural

Teaching Foreign Languages: A Challenge to Ecuadorian Bilingual Intercultural Education

Eduación, M. d. (2016). Obtenido de https://educacion.gob.ec/curriculo-lengua-extranjera/ Educación, M. d. (2016). Obtenido de https://educacion.gob.ec/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2019/09/BGU-tomo-2.pdf Ledesma, V. L. (2019). Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar . Obtenido de http://repositorio.uasb.edu.ec/bitstream/10644/6603/1/T2833-MIE-Pe%C3%B1a-Ense%C3%B1anza.pdf

National English curriculum

The Ministry of Education integrated the Communicative-Functional Language approach and the Common European Framework when designing the Guidelines for the National English Curriculum
English as a learning tool improves students' understanding of people, cultures and the most important aspect to develop their communicative language skills
To improve students' ability to actively interact in their environments
The Ministry of Education has been applying the new National English Curriculum that guides the teaching of English in public schools

A brief history of the Common European Framework

Promote new innovations in teaching and learning.
The Reference Level for national and regional languages ​​has also been widely adopted
It was also expected to provide a solid foundation for mutual recognition of language qualifications and to assist students, teachers, course designers.
The CEFR is also the result of the need for a common international framework for language learning that facilitates cooperation between educational institutions in different countries.
The development of the CEFR coincided with fundamental changes in language teaching

Ecuador’s commitment to education

The purpose of improving the teaching techniques and methodologies of English teachers in public schools
The scholarship program sought to increase the number of qualified English teachers
English teachers had the opportunity to attend classes to learn new strategies for English
Ecuador was the improvement of the teaching of the English language in secondary education institutions
He is convinced of the potential to invest in human capital through proper education and training.
Human talent, science and technology were prioritized, seeking to achieve excellence in education.
The Government of Ecuador has undertaken actions aimed at improving the quality of education in the country.

Culture Communication Cognition Content

hrough the Arts
Oral Communication Speaking-Listening
CommunicatCommunication and Cultural Awareness

English corresponds to a language universally used in different countries of the world, not only as a mother tongue but also as a foreign language. Without However, in certain countries such as Ecuador, the study of this language does not end with internationally acceptable standards.

The basic principles of the curricular proposal

International Standards: The curriculum is based on internationally recognized teaching levels and processes for language learning. (CEFR)
Content Integrated Learning for Foreign Languages ​​(CLIL): a model used to integrate language learning with cultural and cognitive aspects, so that the acquisition of this language serves as an engine for the development of students.
Thinking skills: learning a foreign language encourages the development of thinking, as well as the social and creative skills necessary for lifelong learning and the exercise of citizenship.
Student-centered approach: teaching methodologies that reflect and respond to the strengths and challenges of learners, facilitating their learning process.
The communicative language approach: language is best learned as a means of interacting and communicating and not as a body of knowledge that is memorized.

The common reference levels

Most of Ecuador's universities see the development of communication needs
level B1 is a requirement to obtain your degree.
Student progress and promotion is denoted by progress in levels A1 to B2
Ecuador is one of the seven countries that has been at the forefront of EFL implementation at all levels of education
the use of specific teaching approaches to achieve the desired learning outcomes are essential components to improve teaching
Common European CEFR Framework covers two main dimensions: one vertical and one horizontal
The horizontal dimension of the CEFR shows the different teaching and learning contexts.
The vertical dimension of the CEFR shows progression through the levels.
(CEFR) for languages ​​is one of the most widely adopted linguistic frameworks in Ecuador

Topic principal

The ministry of education strengthens the English level in the Educational system

Additionally "Time to Teach" program is strengthened by linking teachers from all over the country.
Several international cooperation programs were incorporated to strengthen the English process
Native English-speaking teachers are incorporated into the national educational system
Courses where learning English is more
2 for 3rd BACC
1 for 2nd BACC
2 for 1st BACC
1 for 10th EGB
2 for 9th EGB
1 for 8th EGB
One goal was that the student at the end of the 3rd year of Baccalaureate, could reach a level B1
With Ministerial Agreement 2016-0020-A, the compulsory teaching of English was established for the 1st. General Basic Education for the entire educational system

Teach English in the Ecuadorian context

El British Council también había evaluado el nivel de inglés en Ecuador en mayo de 2015 y descubrió que el bajo nivel de rendimiento del inglés
Ecuador was positioned in the fifty-fifth place with a low level of performance in English.
There are some prestigious institutions that keep a regular report on the English language in many countries.
English Language Teaching (ELT) has been widely discussed for many decades

The main objectives of the English as a foreign language curriculum

Create a love for language learning from an early age, through engaging and positive learning experiences, in order to encourage student motivation to keep learning.
Develop the personal, social and intellectual skills necessary to reach their potential and participate productively in an increasingly globalized world that operates in other languages.
Develop the understanding that students have of the world, other cultures and their own and their ability to communicate their points of view through the foreign language.