a Lynn Abdel-Nour 2 éve
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Type in the name of your subject.
Darwin's Finches:
The Theory of Evolution (by Natural Selection) | Cornerstones Education - YouTube
Add detailed notes about each lecture, so that when the time comes to prepare for exams, you will have an easier and quicker overview.
Theory of Evolution: How did Darwin come up with it? - BBC News - YouTube
Types of evidence: -Biogeography -Homologous & Analogous features -Vestigial features -Competition within populations
**Survival of the fittest**
Add a short description of your homework and any details you need in order to understand and complete the task.
Add a list of questions to help you recap your lecture.
Write down if there are things you would like to discuss or clarify with your teacher or colleagues in relation to this topic.
Add a short description of the lecture.
Schedule your course ahead. Knowing all the information will make everything easier.
Circulatory System:
Circulatory System and Pathway of Blood Through the Heart - YouTube
Pathway of Blood:
Diastolic Pressure (heart relaxes)
Systolic Pressure (heart contracts)
Capillaries: -connect arteries/arterioles to vein/venules -provides oxygen & nutrients to the cell
**The smallest vessel**
Veins: -carries blood towards the heart - usually deoxygenated
**Exception pulmonary vein**
Arteries: -carries blood away from the heart -usually oxygenated
**Exception pulmonary artery**
-Vasodilation -Vasoconstriction
Platelets: -control blood clotting process
White blood cells: -Attack bacteria & other invaders
Red blood cells: -carry oxygen -contain hemoglobin
Blood plasma: -antibodies/proteins -nutrients/wastes
Carries wastes from cells
Transports essential nutrients to the cells
Transports carbon dioxide from cells to the lung
Transports oxygen to the cells from the lung
Respiratory System:
A breathing system for bringing-rich air to the respiratory membrane
**Mechanism of ventilation** ----> Exhalation & Inhalation
Vital capacity
Residual volume
Expiratory reserve volume
Inspiratory reserve volume
Total lung capacity
Tidal volume
A good supply of blood
A large surface area for gas exchange
**Gas exchange happens in the alveoli**
Thin permeable respiratory membrane through which diffusion can occur
**Pneumothorax causes the lungs to collapse** ----->Difficulty breathing
Digestive system:
Egestion: -Anus is where the stool is released
Absorption: -Small intestine is where most digestion happens (villi found) -Large intestine is where the undigested particles are found
Digestion: -Physical and chemical (amylase) -Bolus forms and goes down the esophagus (peristalsis) -Stomach churns and mixes food particles with gastric juice(mucus found in gastric juice for protection) -Liver produces bile, but gallbladder stores it (pancreas releases hormones and enzymes that'll help the breakdown of proteins)
The 6 Nutrients:
How The Six Basic Nutrients Affect Your Body - YouTube
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Critical in the formation of bone
Build & repair tissues
Water or fat soluble
Regulates cell function, growth & development within our bodies
Need to digest food/ get rid of waste products/ chemical reactions
The body is made of 55% to 60%
Help in the absorption of vitamins
Concentrated source of energy
Composed of many amino acids
Building blocks of body
Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, Polysaccharides
Main source of energy
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-Body size -Sex -Physical Activity -Age -Hereditary factors
Add additional information about this class.
DNA, Chromosomes, Genes, and Traits: An Intro to Heredity - YouTube
Add key information about the books you've read. If you feel it's necessary, you can add a small summary of your readings in the Notes section.
Sex linkage is the passing of traits found on the X chromosome. **Y chromosome carries no information**
Hemophilia is a recessive X-linked trait.
-Homozygous dominant: TT -Homozygous recessive: tt -Heterozygous: Tt
Abnormalities could either be monosomy or trisomy non-disjunction.
Anaphase I, sister chromatids do NOT separate.
Metaphase I, homologous pairs line up at the metaphase plate.
Meiosis I, involves synapsis, crossing over, formation of tetrads
Cloning is the process of forming identical offspring from a single cell or tissue.
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Asexual reproduction: binary fission, budding, fragmentation
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Mitosis: Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis
Mitosis: The Amazing Cell Process that Uses Division to Multiply! (Updated) - YouTube
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-Sex cells are the egg & sperm cells. -23 chromosomes -----> 1 set of 23 chromosomes (haploid)
Name the author.
Type in all the info you would like to know about this subject. If there is something you don't know yet, no problem! You can fill in the blanks along the way.
Animal adaptations:
Adaptation of plants:
Plant Structure and Adaptations - YouTube
What are fungus?
Asexual repro. by dispersing spores
What are protists?
Can be: Animal-like (amoeba) Plant-like (algae) Fungus-like (slime moulds)
Binary-fission (asexual) Conjugation (sexual)
What are viruses?
Similarities & Differences between Bacteria and Archae:
Difference between Bacteria and Archaea - YouTube
Did your teacher present the objectives of this course? Write them down and add anything else that might help you reach these objectives.
Add details about your teachers' evaluation criteria. This way you will know the aspects you need to focus on.
-Bacteria have cilia, flagellum to help them move.
-Gram negative (purple) -Gram positive (pink)
Reproduce asexually by Binary Fission Reproduce sexually by Conjugation
Write down the attendance policy, to avoid confusion throughout the year.
Type in the name of your teachers and teacher assistants, plus any details you should know about them.
All living things are descended from a common ancestor.
6 Kingdoms of Life: Eubacteria/Archae/Protists/ Fungi/Plants/Animals
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Loss of biodiversity means: -threatened food supply -eliminates sources of natural medecine -economic impact on tourism & forestry-cause disruption in biogeochemical cycles.