a kholoud hassany 17 éve
The greatest scientists
Across history, notable scientists such as Aristotle, Newton, Einstein, and Galileo have profoundly influenced our understanding of nature. A scientist utilizes observation, hypothesis, and experimentation to derive conclusions about the natural world.
The greatest scientists his failure points or that the copernacan system was better he failed to offer a proof that the ptolemaic system was contray to observable evidence What makes his science different? his trial proved the fact that science and religion cant coexist he challenged the teachings of the church they challenged the natural philosophy of the day he made enemies both inside and outside the church he was condemned with the church he believed that the earth revolves around the sun What is the science he did? published the results did experimentations came up with away to test the observation observed and hypothesized What makes him a great scientist? by his experiments, he formed the modern science of physics estabish formal relationship between the motion, time and distance he took the earliest type of telescope What makes Galileo great? Martyr for science Are science and religion compatible? he changed the way about how we understand the universe Who was he? important thinker,scholar and writer What makes science different from other fields? like the distincion between zewail and Hawass who is Egypotologist it is all related to scientific subjects about nature Galileo is of the greaest scientsts of all Time What is good science and bad science? it depends on what scientists do whether they can prove their hypotheses successfully or not what is science? agreement between the observation and the experiment to be true it depends on observation, hypothesis and reaches a conclusion the subject to understand the universe and our place in it What is a scientist? he observes, thinks and reaches a conclusion of a hypothesis he can prove his experiment depending on reliable knowledge about nature the 4 famous ones others,Edison,Ahmed zewail and alot others, Ibn sina,Ibn al haytham Aristotle,Newton,Einestein,Galileo