Kategóriák: Minden - domestic - shelter - safety - parenting

a Catie Harris 10 éve


The H.E.R. Shelter

The articles share a central theme focusing on the challenges faced by women who are victims of domestic violence and those who are homeless, particularly when living in shelters. The agency under evaluation is a women'

The H.E.R. Shelter

How do these articles relate to each other? How do these articles relate to the agency you are evaluating?

The agecny I am evaluating in a women's shelter for domestic violence that doubles as a homeless shelter for women. The themes and concerns in the articles in the mind map, are factors that the employees and shelter have to cope with everyday.

These articles relate to each other because they all have the same recurring theme which is concerns about women who have been victims of domestic violence and homeless women living in shelters.

The H.E.R. Shelter

Safety in Shelters

at times the shelter no longer becomes a shelter when overcrowded but a breeding ground for intimation, petty violence and other safety concerns
individuals can be turned away if they are deemed a safety concern whether it be their behavior or their background
This is a concern because they need protection from homeless or their partner
The shelter has to protect all individuals so women with mental health issues may be less likely to enter due to the safety concerns it may cause.
the individuals in a shelter are on guard, and less trusting than those who have not been homeless epically with children.
Women who are homeless with children just want a safe place for their child

Health Concers

the health concerns continue even after one is out of the shelter
The health concerns are greater for women who are not in a shelter than those who are.
My shelters however do not have the training to help these women and their children in this manner
Many shelters have trained professionals on staff to assist with these issues
These health risks are not just physical but also emotional and psychological.
Women in shelters have greater health risks

Homeless Women

Numerous women, stated in the study, felt ashamed because they could not provide for their children and keep them safe.
Many women feel that they do not matter to most of society because they are homeless
Studies show that many homeless women become homeless as a result of the economy, and domestic violecen
Many of these women have young women
Homelessness in women is becoming a growing concern in the United States


It can be diffcult for women to re-establish their style of parenting in shelters with other children and victims attempting to recover
There are programs that assisit with the recovery adn thus aid in paretnign style at many shelters
Studies show that how drastic the chage depend son how much violence they were exposed to
Many wome's parenting style changes after being effected by violence
Women who have been the victims of domestic violecne face challenges intheir parenting