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Moderate Dem Debating Trump
Trump Supporter
Man on the street interviews
Rep Experts
The purpose of the campaign is to transcend the movie, and create a movement that enables, facilitates, and enables our mission.
An activity that people can get involved in that is fun and helps to promote the message (ie. family photo of all the voters in the house). A challenge that makes people woke and realize the importance of voting.
The app could have real time voters broken down by race in each state to show who is being proactive, and engaging. People can register by group & the percentage that they need left to push the vote. Each state you can see the registered voters, and can gauge what the real-time results are of who we need to make a difference.
The whole point of the hashtag is to unite people in the movement in the simplest way possible online.
Inspiring the individual to make the commitment to vote and enlist other voters through their network (i.e. family, friends, co-workers)
Expanding beyond their network to inspire the vote outside of their own region via social media
Empowering people with real data
Providing viable strategies based on statistics so voters have a clear idea of their groups impact state to state.
Each rep should describe:
Asian Reps (4)
Black Reps (3)
Latino Reps (3)
White Reps (2)
Middle Eastern/South Asian Reps (2)
Jewish Reps (1)
Increase of antisemitic hate crimes
Native American Reps (1)
State by state
Campaign Message
Who are the Trump Voters?
Electoral College by state
Groups by state
How to register to vote
Minority reps call out their own people for not voting and point out the reality of how US politics is predominantly white, and how another four years of Trump can destroy our democracy.
White GOP reps who are happy with Trump and are confident he will win again.
Explain to us why Democratic voters left for Trump in 2016 & what the psychology was behind it
Minority and millennial voter turnout is too low, and as a result, Trump will win again.
The disparity between minority representation in politics and and the number of minorities that make up this country is unbalanced.
Trump has redefined the political landscape, and our democracy is at risk.
Giving minority voters access to political experts for their groups to inspire them to go out and vote
Not using politicians as subjects, but political experts instead to educate voters.
Inspiring minority groups to come together and create community through voting
Addressing white voters who are on the fence by pointing out how Trump's policies affect them directly
Don't focus on racism but how we can fight it through voting.
Be the change that you wish to see by voting.
Voting is the greatest way to to affect the change you want to see in America.
The most powerful form of democracy is voting
Millenials and minorities can make a profound difference in the next elections.
Let's stop complaining about Trump, and focus on more viable strategy to beat Trump that everyone can understand.
Asian Americans have to be as vocal as other minority groups in order to be included in the political conversation.
If we don't bring civility back into our politics, we will lose our democracy.
Don't vilify the enemy. Understand their side, otherwise there is no chance for any dialogue or progress.
The problem doesn't just lie in who leads our country but the system itself.