a Buffy Hamilton 12 éve
The Unquiet Library 2010-11
The focus centers on utilizing digital tools and platforms within educational environments to enhance learning and engagement. It explores the integration of eBooks and eReaders, alongside the benefits of mobile learning and gaming, to create dynamic and interactive educational experiences.
The Unquiet Library 2010-11 Mobile Learning and Library Services Community/Tribe Building Global Partners: Libraries, Educators, Organizations Professional Learning Communities Student/Teacher/Admin/Parent Participation Transparency Student Virtual Collection Student Content Creation Student Learning Artifacts Gaming Student Game Bloggers Video Gaming Additional Board Games for Learning eBooks and eReaders eReading/eBooks Tablets/slates Dedicated ereaders Media 21/Embedded Librarianship Assessments New modes Created in collaboration with students Big Ideas for Learners personal learning networks and enviornments convergence culture digital citizenship connections and connectivism meaning making, not just seeking Increased Ownership of Learning Goals and Strategies by Students Collective Intelligence and Crowdsourcing cognitive surplus Inquiry Pedagogy/Teaching/Learning Hamilton PLN and Instructional Partners CRHS Media 21 Faculty
Michael Wesch
Howard Rheingold
Char Booth
Laura Deisley
Wendy Drexler
Dialogical transactions Instructional Literacy Anthropology Lens Transliteracy Information Attention Critical Publishing New Media Participation