Kategóriák: Minden - presentation - evaluation - differentiation - assignments

a Melanie Smith 15 éve



The text discusses the approach to differentiating educational products and assignments to cater to diverse student needs and learning styles. It emphasizes the importance of identifying clear learning objectives and creating varied assignments that allow students to demonstrate their understanding through different formats, such as videos, dramas, travel guides, and documentaries.


Differentiating Products

Differentiating Products for Struggling Learners

Key: Challenging Products and Support Systems
Provide assistance for ESL students
Assist students with resource support if they are unable to attain outside of school
Provide exemplars from previous years' products
Help students focus on targeted portions of rubrics
Provide support for areas of difficulty--advisory groups or "specialists" for coaching
Periodically review big picture of product
Provide templates or organizers
Help students find appropriate resources
Implement mini-workshops on product skills
Prepare timelines for due dates to help studnents manage
Consider putting directions on audio or video so students can revisit as needed
Are product assignments in smaller increments
Allow students to express themselves in ways other than writing
All product assignments require them to apply and extend essential understandings

Differentiated Secondary Products

Example: Spanish II Class
Understand how elements of given culture interrelate and form distinct personality of people

Content Focus

Language Structure










Students whose first language is Spanish

Same focus but will use different languages

Will have differentiated assignments

Differentiated Products

Presenting dramas

Filming documentaries


making videos

Writing travel guidess

Common Goal for All Students

A Differentiated Kindergarten Product

Example: Social Studies Unit
Independent work
Work collegially
Teacher-selected tasks
Self-selected tasks
Build on students strengths
Reasearch, design, and build a portion of their town


Presentations can be whole-class, exhibits, or group
Peer review
Use formative, summative, and self-evaluation
Except multiple product possibilities
Communicate your product with parents/gardians
Provide clear guidance
Support students to use their own materials
Stress time management skills
Provide a check list
Use multiple sources for your children to use
Build critical and creative thinking in your prduct
Use a product to apply to a real life situation

Creating Product Assignments

Coach for success
Differentiate the assignment
Develop a rubric or a way that the students will be able to understand what quality of work you are expecting.
Identify the format that the product will be in.
Identify what you want students to know, understand, and apply.

What is a Product?

Extensive understanding and application
Helps students individually or in groups
Assess students knowledge, understanding, and skill
Makes students think, apply, and expand
Long-term endeavor