a Andrea Gonzalez 10 éve
Tool Pannel Overview
This text provides an extensive list of tools and functionalities available in a software suite designed for various creative and technical tasks. It includes tools for annotations and measurements, which are essential for precise editing and documentation.
Tool Pannel Overview Annotations & Measurement hi everyone
roate view tool burn tol Count Tool Note Tool Ruler Tool Drawing & Type Tool the shape tools and line tool type mask tool Subtopic type tool pen tool sponge tool smudge tool sharpen tool Gradient tool Magic eraser Art History Brush Tool History Brush Tool Clone Stamp Mixer Brush Tool Selection, Crop & Slice Tool zoom tool custom shape the path selection Backgound eraser Content- Aware Move tool Slice Tool Slice Select Tool The magic wand The lasso tool Marque Tool Move tool Retouch & Paint Tool hand tool Blur tool 3D Material drop tool Brush Tool Pencil Tool Red-Eye tool Patch tool Healing Brush tool Spot Healing Brush Tool Color Sampler Tool Material Eyedropper Tool Eyedropper Tool Quick selection Tool