a Katharine McLeod 4 éve
Tree organigram
The individual began their sporting journey at the age of 5 with swimming lessons and riding a bike, followed by their first experiences with skating and soccer. By age 7, they had expanded their activities to include karate, rollerblading, and highland dancing, even participating in their first dance competition.
My Sports History Age 17 Played frisbee in the field with
friends every week Went on a lot of family walks Started kickboxing Continued with highland dance
throughout quarantine Got a job at a swimming pool
as an instructor so I swim there Age 16 School dance at athletic banquet Went on a ski trip with school Played flag football again in high
school Continued with Highland dancing
and attended the Canadian championships
in Moncton, New Brunswick Got my National Lifeguard
certification for swimming Age 15 Took a strength and conditioning class
in school Played rugby in high school for the first time Made the high school volleyball team Continued with High school flag football Continued with Highland dancing
and attended the Canadian championships
in Calgary Alberta Swam in my pool at home in
the summer Age 14 Did a choreography performance with a
Scottish piping band called the Mudmen Played varsity flag football in high school Continued with Highland dancing
and attended the Canadian championships
in Charlottetown PEI Swam in my pool at home in
the summer Age 13 Went rollerblading for a school
grad trip Played in a school wide tournament
of soccer baseball Reffed a soccer tournament at
my old school Played soccer on a school team
for the first time Played basketball on a school
team for the first time Continued with volleyball Continued with Highland dancing
attended the Canadian championships
in Winnipeg Manitoba Continued with swimming and
achieved my Bronze Cross Age 12 Took a few gymnastics lessons Continued with softball Played volleyball on a school
team for the first time Continued with field hockey Continued with flag football Ran a mile every weekend to
prepare for the karate gradings Achieved my junior black belt
in karate and completed several
gradings ranging from 2-4 hours Continued with Karate Continued Highland dance and
attended the Canadian championships
in London Ontario Continued with swimming
moved up to the lifesaving
levels (bronze star/bronze
medallion) Age 11 Went swimming at Great Wolf
Lodge Went skiing for the first time on
a school trip Played softball for the first time
as a back catcher Played field hockey for the first
time in middle school Played flag football for the first
time in middle school as a rusher Ran X-country in middle school
(3k) Continued with karate
and many more tournaments Continued with Highland Dance
and many more competitions Age 10 Did some yeardwork Went to a trampoline park for a
graduation trip Tried out for the soccer team at school
but only played on the practice team Attended the Canadian championships
for Highland dance in Montreal Walked to school everyday Continued with X-country at school
and ran the student relay 2.5k race
at the Mississauga marathon Joined the competitive tournament
team and attended many competitions Several more dance competitions
started moving up in the levels Continued with Highland
dance Age 9 Played at the beach Played archery Went to Disney wprld and
around a lot everyday Ran X- country at school again
(2.5k) Several dance competitions More karate tournaments Started sparring Continued with karate Continued with Highland
dance Age 8 Played at lots of parks Went rock climbing Played in the snow First karate tournament Ran X-country at school (2k) Several more dance competitions Continued with Highland
dancing Age 7 Rode my bike Learned how to rollerblade Started karate in an actual
dojo First dance competition Started highland dancing
for the first time Age 6 Rode my bike on some trails Got my first scooter Started the Karate Kid school
program Continued with skating Continued with swimming Continued with soccer Age 5 Learned how to ride a bike Walking to school everyday First time skating First soccer team Started actual swimming lessons
after swimming at home