Kategóriák: Minden - carbohydrates - minerals - water - nutrients

a Delaney Adam 4 éve


Tree organigram

Essential nutrients are crucial for growth, life, and various bodily functions. Minerals, categorized into trace and macro, play significant roles in chemical reactions and bodily processes.

Tree organigram

Nutrients Definition: Substance that provides nourishment essential to growth and life

Water Definition: Nutrient involved in all body processes. Water can be used to regulate body temperature and help waste removal. The body is made of 60% water. The longest we can survive without water is 3 days.

Minerals Definition: Nutrient that regulates many chemical reactions in the body.

Trace minerals: -Body requires these in very small amounts -Copper, iodine, iron, zinc, and manganese -Copper (red meat, liver, seafood, nuts) necessary for hemoglobin production in red blood cells -Iodine (iodized salt, milk, cheese, fish, whole grains) necessary for production of the thyroid gland hormone -Iron (liver, red meat, fish, eggs) helps red blood cells transport oxygen -Zinc (seafood, poultry, red meats, whole grains) necessary for digestive enzymes and healing wounds -Manganese (whole grains, fruits, nuts) helps produce cholesterol and helps nerve function
Macro minerals: -Body requires these in amounts greater than 100 milligrams -Calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, and potassium -Calcium (milk, cheese, leafy green vegetables) helps build bones and teeth -Magnesium (whole grains, beans, nuts) necessary for metabolism -Phosphorus (milk, meat, poultry, cheese) builds bone, teeth, and cells -Potassium (fruits, green vegetables, legumes) keep fluids in cells balanced -Sodium (table salt, cheese, crackers) necessary for water balance in cells and tissue -Sulfur (meats, milk, eggs, brown sugar) builds hair, skin, and nails

Vitamins Definition: Nutrient that helps the body use carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Water-soluble vitamins: -Vitamins C and E -Dissolves in water -Cannot be stored in the body
Fat-soluble vitamins: -Vitamins A, D, E, and K -Dissolves in fat -Can be stored in the body

Fats Definition: Nutrient that provides energy and helps the body store vitamins.

Trans-fatty acids: -Found in crackers, cookies, donuts, and margarine -Formed when vegetable oils are processed into solid fats
Unsaturated fats: -Found in plant products and fish -Liquid at room temperature
Saturated fats: -Contribute to cholesterol in our blood -Found in dairy, meat, and poultry products -Solid at room temperature

Carbohydrates: Definition: Nutrient that is the main source of energy for the body

Fiber: -Part of grains and plant foods, cannot be digested -Helps move food through body's digestive system -Grains, breads, cereals, dried beans, and fruits -Insoluble fiber prevents intestinal problems -Soluble fiber reduces risk of heart disease and blood cholesterol
Complex carbohydrates: -Starches and fiber -Provide longer-lasting energy -Found in bread, potatoes, beans, and pasta
Simple carbohydrates: -Provide quick energy -Sugar that enters the bloodstream -Provide calories, not many vitamins and minerals -Found in fruits, honey, and milk

Proteins Definition: Nutrient necessary to growth, to build, maintain, and repair body tissues

Incomplete proteins: -From plant sources -Do not contain all essential amino acids -Found in legumes, nuts, grains, and seeds (these can be combined to gain all essential amino acids)
Amino acids: -Building blocks of proteins -Body needs 20 amino acids, 11 of which it can produce itself -The 9 it can't produce are called essential amino acids
Complete proteins: -Contains all essential amino acids -Found in meat fish, milk, yogurt, and eggs