a Ahmad Farihin 3 éve
Tree organigram
Core muscles play a vital role in stabilizing the body, maintaining postural alignment, and ensuring dynamic postural equilibrium. Poor posture can lead to weak core muscles, reducing the body'
FUNCTIONS OF CORE MUSCLES FUNCTION OF CORE MUSCLES Maintenance optimal arthrokinematics Maintenance normal force couple FUNCTION ANATOMY OF THE CORE Hip muscles Abdominal Muscles Lumbar spine muscles POSTURAL CONSIDERATION Segmental deficit results in predictable dysfunction Abnormal forces are distributed above and below misaligned segment Serial distortion patterns Core functions to maintain postural alignment & dynamic postural equilibrium CORE STABILIZATION CONCEPTS The body utilize the strenght, power, neuromuscular control and muscular endurance in prime mover If extremely strong, the core are weak and will be not enough force can be produce Poor posture LUMBAR SPINE MUSCLES Latissumus dorsi Erector Spine Transversospinalis group HIP MUSCLES Gluteus Maximus Psoas Hamstring ABDOMINAL MUSCLES Internal Oblique External Oblique Rectus Abdominis