Types of market according to the competition
Various types of markets exist based on the level of competition among buyers and sellers. A monopoly market is characterized by a single company having exclusive rights to produce a product or service, often granted by authorities.
Types of market according to the competition Monopsony Market is his type of market occurs when
buyers exercise predominance to regulate demand, in such away
that allows them to intervene in the price, setting it Duopsonium
Competencia Monopsonista
Perfect Competition Market buyers and sellers are so numerous
that no buyer or seller can influence the market price Products and services offered for sale
They are all the same Imperfect Competition Market It is the one that operates between the two extremes: The Perfect Competition Market and the Monopoly Market
Pure Mercado de Oligopolio Monopolistic Competition Market Monopoly Market It is the one in which there is only one company in the industry The authorities grant the
exclusive right to a single company to produce a product or service A key resource