Kategóriák: Minden - emotions - expression - reasoning - faith

a Nabeeha Khalid 6 éve


unit 4 summitive

The text discusses different types of intelligence, focusing on how individuals learn and express themselves using their unique strengths. It highlights "word smart" intelligence, where people excel through reading, writing, listening, and debating, and "

unit 4 summitive

Fruits of the Holy holy spirit

Fruits of the Holy Spirit: How can I bring light to the fruits of the Holy Spirit that live in me through my SPIES (the two I chose)? Relate the fruits of the Holy Spirit to SPIES and apply in personal life. I can bring the fruit of the Holy Spirit of patients in my life through the spies "emotional" when I feel anger. I can do this when I am angry because instead of having an outburst I can be patient and let thing heal on their own. This relates to the fruits of the Holy Spirit because patients is one of the "fruits" god wanted us to apply in our life, and I am applying it through the SPIES emotional. Simon expresses the fruits of the holy spirit by always staying faithful about himself, and he knows that God has a plan for him. He doesn't let being tiny stop him from doing what he wants to do and that makes him courageous. He was also able to help the kids off the bus because they were able to understand him and trust him more because of his size, and he showed patience when helping them off.

Examples and themes of what we learned In class

St. Paul’s teachings about the body teaches us that everyone should tale care of their body as its very scared. He also teaches us that we are all made in the image of god and we should not criticize others along with our selves. Inclusive: -Jesus tells us that we need to be inclusive because he doesn't want us to be divided into groups. The significance of being inclusive is that we begin to see beyond surface differences and see our connections with all other people. The fifth commandment: -The fifth commandment is "thou shall not kill" and it teaches us that all human life is scared and Jesus parable: - Banquets were a common way to socialize although mostly only men went and women stayed at home and it was more formal of a social standing. The location of the couch was also a sign of how important the guest was compared to other guest. The more important guest sat closer to the host. A person of low standing would not usually get either one. The significance of the way jesus socialized was that he encouraged people to eat together without worrying about social divisions. Jesus also lived out this parable in his day to day life. He ate with pharisees and people of high social standing, but he also ate with tax collectors and women of low social standing. He ate with the rich and the poor. He challenged people to forget about social standings. Jesus hosted a dinner and none of the people he invited had come they all made excuses so jesus invited everyone who was poor in spirit. -Because this was a parable, it is a story, therefore, the story of a banquet is used to represent what it would be life if God hosted a banquet

Evidence: I use my learning style to connect to god by listening to prayers on my phone and hearing to stories about god in class or a home.

What is my learning style and how can knowing this be a pathway to having a fulfilling career and life? I am a auditory + kinesthectic learner which means that I learn best by either hearing or doing. I can also communicate with god by using my learning style. I can hear the scriptures within the bible and also listen to stories about Jesus. I can also go to prayer where I would be physically moving and building a relationship with god. Lastly I can also go to church when I would also be moving. Knowing my learning style I can have a fulfilling career because I know that I learn best when I am hearing someone explain the concept to me. I also know that I canot build a career where I am not moving around a lot for example, A career where I would be travelling or going places within my community would be a fulfilling career.


Text To Text

How does this SPIES apply to Simon Birch? This spies apply in Simon BIrch's life because he uses his intelligence people smart when he rescued everyone from the bus. Since he was short in size he knew that the kids on the bus would listen to him because they could relate to him. Therefore Simon used his intelligence people smart to guide everyone off the bus whats His Learning Style? people smart How does he use his to serve God? He uses this to serve to god when he rescues everyone off the bus

Evidence: Word Smart  This is the intelligence of language, books and stories: reading, writing, listening, debating and discussing help word smart people learn. Number Smart  This is the intelligence of numbers and ordered sequences and step by step reasoning: charts, graphs, statistics, scientific data and puzzles help number smart people learn. are examples of some intelligences

In class we learned - The differnt fors of intelligences - How we can build a relationship with god using our intelligence - The fifth commandment teaches us that all human life is scared -Coming to know god is the whole point of human existence. Therefore, we can be sure that every person, no matter what his or her mental ability, is capable of knowing god. However, we are not al capable of coming to know god in the same way. Each one of us must learn to know god in our way,using our own combination of intelligences. - Understanding the different types of intelligence we are far more likely to come to know and love god and to understand how we are called to serve. We can also understand more about ourselves. - The different learning styles -Each of us is called to know God, which is essentially the point of human existence - We must learn God in our own way using our combined intelligences. - God speaks to different people in different ways. - God expects things from each of us according to our unique ability to give. - stop killing the spirit

seven intelligences, pathways, the fifth commandment



Text to Text

How this spies apply in Simon Birch This spies apply in Simon Birch life because he gets bullied about his size. The whole town treated simon like a baby and a creature made by god. They treated him as not human and as not one of them. They treat him like he is useless. They make fun of him because of his size but do not pay attention to who he is as a person (his personality). He would get mad but he would use that emotion to get closer to god by explaining how God has a plan for everyone, and that there is a reason why his life is like this, i.e. That the body that he has was a gift from God. Simon also holds in his emotions and tries to see the light in every situation and often vents his anger through faith, however sometimes he lets his emotions in too long and talks out when he isn't supposed to, like in church for example when he was questioning the priest. He didn’t believe that the church was representing God in the right way, so he spoke up. Simon can break however, like when he got told that God was not real and he went to go visit the mothers grave. - when he was sad about the mothers death he didn't loose. faith in god -When he was on the bus when it fell over despite of his fear he was patient and helped everone off the bus.

Text to Self

Evidence: For example, when I am feeling sad I express it by talking to a friend which is a healthy way of expressing my emotion.

How Does This Spies Apply in my life? This spies applies to my life because when I am experiencing any emotion, I chose to express it instead of bottling it up, which would ultimately lead to unhealthy outbursts.

Text to Faith

Evidence: - Psalm 32 The feeling expressed in this Psalm is love, fear and forgiveness - Love: is a call to be one with God, the source of all love Hate: reminds us that evil is real, that we need God’s help to overcome evil and that life apart from God is painful Anger and Fear: remind us that we don’t have the ability or the right to control everything. They are calls to place our hope and trust in God if we want to find true and lasting peace Joy: is a call to stand in Gods presence Sorrow: reminds us that only God can fill our emptiness and is a call to seek comfort in God Desire: reminds us that only God can satisfy our deepest longings. As the authors of the Psalms new, every emotion is a call to turn to God in prayer and trust

In class we learned -how we can use our emotions to connect to god and have a relationship with god. - We also learned about the different virtues associated with our emotions. - we learned that our emotions or passions are gifts from God that encourage us to act or not to act and to make choices between good and evil -We cannot choose our emotions but we can choose how we will act in response to those emotions. - We also learned that we cannot wish away out emotions and lock them away because its out way of connecting to - Each emotion is a call to turn our heart more toward god - Lastly we learned that the psalms in the bible each talk about an emotion for example, psalms 27 expresses the emotion love and hope

emotions/passions/psalms, blessed are those who mourn…
