Utterance, Sentence and Propositions
Language structures are essential for conveying various types of information, including factual statements, questions, and commands. The arrangement of words, governed by grammatical rules, forms sentences that can reflect different perspectives and realities.
By one person before and after / silence. Ephemeral. Particular occasion. - Identified by a specific time or by a specific person. - Less abstract physical. - Physical event. -It's spoken Don't correspond to facts. Only true propositions can be known. False. True. Can be. Situation. It's remains constant. - It's a fact. - The way you perceive the world. - Describes a state of affairs. Persons or things. Types. Makes a statement or states a fact. Convey orders. Ask questions. Declarative. Interrogatives. Imperactives. - String of words put together by
grammatical rules of a lenguage. Same Words. - Has no time or place, but it has
a definitive linguistic form. Purposes. - Abstract gramar. Different orden. Same orden. Propositions. Utterance. Sentence. SEMANTICS.
Luna Romero Baeza
Daira Rios Rodriguez