Kategóriák: Minden - responsibilities - sports - activities - household

a Tanya Kounder 6 éve


Vouloir- Pouvoir- Devoir

The text outlines various activities categorized under different themes such as visiting places, staying at home, sports, and social interactions. It lists specific actions and tasks like going to the movies, studying, surfing the internet, doing household chores, and babysitting.

Vouloir- Pouvoir- Devoir

Vouloir - Pouvoir - Devoir

visting or leaving

venir chez moi (come to my house)
rester chez moi (go back home)
aller au cinema (go to the movies)


ecouter de la musique (listen to music)
parler a tes amis (talk to your friends)
joues au soccer (play soccer)
sortir les orduers (take out the garbage)
parler a mes parents (talk to my parents)
enlever la negie la pelle (shovel the snow)


nager (swim)
danser (dance)

Things to at home

manger du diner (eat dinner)
faire tes devoirs (do your homework)
faire le menage (do the cleaning/chores)
regarder la tele (watch TV)
manger da la pizza (eat pizza)
me coucher (go to bed)
garder mon fere (watch/babysit my brother)
etudier (study)
faire la visselle (do the dishes)
naviguer sur l'odinater  (surf the Internet)
faire tes devoirs (do your homework)