a نونه المالكي 8 éve
Még több ilyen
What's your essay about?
:::::::::::::Type in the title of your essay.
Work on the structure of your essay
Highlight a future prediction
:::::based on what you have shown in the essay.
Summarize your essay
by restating the main ideas of your thesis and body paragraphs. Type them in.
Develop the ideas
first presented in the introduction.
Type in a one-line sentence
::::::::to describe the third body paragraph.
Type in a one-line sentence
to describe the second body paragraph.
Type in a one-line sentence
::::::::to describe the first body paragraph.
The introductory paragraph
should contain several elements that will catch the interest of your audience.
Choose the strongest idea to build your essay around it
Ask yourself where you are going with this essay and why. Use the arguments found in other essays for your writing, but also brainstorm for original ideas. Write the thesis statement to summarize it.
Provide details about the subject you will address
Write a couple of sentences that provide details about the subject you will address in the body of your essay.
Write a catchy first sentence to engage your audience
What interesting anecdotes, quotes, or trivial facts have you discovered while researching your topic? Use them to write your sentence.
Please continue by analyzing other essays written on this topic.
Find at least one example of related essay and see whether it is well written or not.
Secondary Source
Primary Source
Type in the title and the author(s)
of the essay which you're going to analyze.
Is the logical sequence of the essay accurate or faulty?
Follow the relationships between the claims and the evidence. List a couple of reasons.
What evidence do(es) the author(s) present?
Type in the evidence.
[[File|Add a file if necessary.]]
Author Claim
What claims do(es) the author(s) make?
Type them in.